Doing a search on 700LH models I found this forum, so I signed up! THIS IS MY FIRST POST!

Here's my 700LH, indeed an early BDL variant and made in October 1973, the same month I got married! Forty years later I have full intentions to keep both of 'em around for another forty years, the Good Lord Willing!

As you can see, mine's surely got some good ol' evidence of a little tree rash, as she's no safe queen! Nope, she's spent many a beautiful morning enjoying the sunrise high in a climber, but I've taken care of her.

She's also a tackdriver (for a .270), consistently under 3/4" @ 100 yds with her favorite round (Winchester's now-discontinued 140gn. Failsafe). I still have a couple of hundred bullets though, so I'm good for quite a while I hope! Additionally, I mainly hunt with a handgun, using the .270 only if the shot can't be accomplished humanely with the Model 29 .44 Magnum, so I think I'm set ammo-wise for a while.

Thanks for "looking and listening!" - Tom

[Linked Image]

Last edited by tomturner; 12/14/13.