I read your article Cartridge Expansion in Handloader No. 288.

I always enjoy reading an article about pressure and the various ways of judging and measuring it. I enjoyed the article but have a question.

In your article you refer to Case Head expansion (CHE) and on page 50 your picture clearly illustrates a micrometer measuring Pressure Ring Expansion. (PRE).

On page 51 you refer to Ken Waters using CHE and then when describing his technique: �then measure the �Pressure Ring.�

When reading the Pet Load series of articles the reader is able to watch Ken Waters skill as a communicator develop and his technique as a handloader mature. Waters technique for developing pet loads evolved over a number of years with clear differences between the techniques used in his article for the August 1967 issue of Shooting Times �How To Develop Good Handloads� and in his article �Developing Pet Loads� for September 1982 issue of Handloader.
I agree with Ken Waters thoughts that CHE is difficult for the average handloader to use and the use of PRE (in conjunction with the use of a chronograph) to �Judge� pressure is easier to learn and perhaps more useful across a wider range of cartridges and firearms.

My question is simply about you use of the term CHE with reference to Ken Waters as he was pretty careful to describe his measurements as PRE..

.With winter restricting some of our outdoor fun it is interesting to dream of summer shooting and all of the pet theories we wish to test.

Anyone looking for winter reading on the subject of �Judgeing Pressure�

Earl Naramore: Handloaders Manual. CHE

Bob Hagel and Ralph Avery Handloader Mardch 1973. CHE

Neal Knox: How Much Pressure Handloader September 1973. CHE

Rick Jamison: Reading Pressure Signs The American Hunter February 1982. CHE

Michael W. York and Don Cantrell� Breech Pressure Breakthrough Gun Digest 1968 � One of my favorite articles on the measurement of pressure. This article clearly describes the limitations of the copper crusher method of measuring pressure and its usefulness when loads from the same test gun were compared to one another.

Phil Sharpe: The Complete Guide to Handloading.

Last edited by william_iorg; 01/02/14.
