Originally Posted by BruceMT
Originally Posted by THE_ELK_REAPER
Originally Posted by Take_a_knee
Originally Posted by WapitiBob

Kifaru has the Nomad for 2014. Compresses flat, batwing design with sleeves, and a frame that provides lift.

Had not heard of that one. Looked it up. I'd wondered if K-land would continue to ignore Hill People Gear's well thought out pack/compression panel system and the Nomad obviously says not. The HPG drybag/pack compression panel is elegant, the Nomad is a Rube Goldberg contraption. When I first saw it, I said to myself, "At least it doesn't have a damn sleeping bag zipper for those noon naps", but they even thought of that too. In a roll-top DRYBAG no less. Who the hell puts a zipper in a drybag? That's like putting screen doors on a submarine.


The Camp Bag is not a "dry bag". If it was a dry bag, we would have called it "The Kifaru Dry Bag". It was designed from the requests of our customers, as it gives them the ability to access their kit no matter what amount they have in the bag.

It would not have made a lot of sense to offer another dry bag, as you can find those pretty easy on the market today.

I'm not sure what you've seen of the Nomad, but it's a pack with wings (pretty simple), but we made it so you can attach multiple options depending on your mission/hunt. The base of the design is about as simple as you can get.

Have a great 2014!

you sure are nice/diplomatic reaper, I would have told him to kiss my nomads.

Reaper LOVES his TAK! Don't you Aron!