Originally Posted by Deerwhacker444
Lee Loader works well, but:

1) Wear eye protection
2) Wear ear protection
3) Wear a light glove on the hand holding the case as you gently tap it over the primer... eek

Your hand should not be touching the case when priming if you're doing things by the directions. The case is tapped out of the sizing die onto the waiting primer. The priming rod fills the case neck, the sizing die encases the primer. Yes, the primers do snap sharply when the rare one pops, but it is a very safe operation. (I hold the rod just above the top of the die when priming, so I can feel the case move onto the primer without hammering on it more than necessary.) A good Lexan-headed mallet makes a good Lee Loader accessory.

Sometimes, the air you 'let in'matters less than the air you 'let out'.