IMO Gibson's was already on the way out as Walmart was coming in. K Mart, TG&Y Family Centers, Alco, Woolco...they spelled the death knell of Woolworth's, TG&Y drugstores, Kresge...places like that. Gibson's was kinda in between a drug store/hardware store and the huge discount centers of today. Walmart like, took the concept of those big discount centers and maximized it. Gibson's was never really in Walmart's league as to the size of the store and the variety of the merchandise. I liked Gibson's, but that's my opinion.

I don't really know why they went under though. When it comes down to it, nowadays Dollar General's exist right in the shadow of Walmart's. Gibson's had a bit wider variety than Dollar General, but the concepts are very similar. I guess that the average Walmart has gotten bigger to the point that a smaller store can get the bleed-off.

When I roll up to a Walmart, you can never just park right near the entrance and go in. It's a mile to the door and then another mile back just to grab some pop. Then a big line to get out. Lots of times you can park right near the Dollar General entrance and get in and out with little hassle.

Gibson's were great stores. I miss the ones around here. I don't hate Walmart, but it's good for them to have some competition.