I'm not following siski, population of 953 million what???

It would seem to me our military is both large, powerful and experienced enough to give pause to either Russia or China deciding they want a piece of that action. Neither of those countries are ruled by madmen or idiots.

where our Achilles heal lies is economically, lope sniper makes a good point that the FED could just print more US$$ to absorb whatever the Russkies might want to liquidate, but the real danger lies imo, as to what other countries might do if they see Russia dumping US$ denominated debt.

if Russia dumping US$ caused other countries to try and liquidate as well rather than be last man standing, that could be problematic indeed.

what's the FED gonna do buy all our issued debt? Then you'd see just how strong the US$ really is or is not.

I'd like to think other countries wouldn't follow suit by liquidating our debt, but really what's it backed by? The full faith and credit of the US Gov't that hasn't been able to balance a checkbook for the last 40 some odd years, sans some accounting tricks in the 90's?

Our military is in pretty good order from my perspective. Our finances, not so much.

I'm pretty certain when we sing our anthem and mention the land of the free, the original intent didn't mean cell phones, food stamps and birth control.