In case you didn't get this in an email:

Gun Owners of America

Come out and Support Senate Candidate
Joe Miller on Monday!

Come join GOA Vice Chairman Tim Macy at the Liberty Launch Party at 6 pm on Monday, April 21 -- as we stand together in supporting Joe Miller for the U.S. Senate.

As you know, Joe is challenging D-rated Mark Begich, who falsely claimed he would support the Second Amendment while he was in Washington.
Despite those promises, Mark Begich has voted against your constitutionally-protected rights and has consistently done the bidding of anti-gun Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

I will also be joined by Talk Show Host Lars Larson at Monday�s event, where we will enjoy a lot of fun, fantastic music and food.

Here are the details that you need to know.

When: Monday, Aril 21, 2014 (6 pm)

Where: Wasilla Lake Resort, North Shore Ale House
1850 Bogard Road Wasilla, AK 99654 (Formerly Mat-Su Resort)

For more information, go to Joe Miller�s website where you can contact the campaign, get information or make a contribution.


Tim Macy
Vice Chairman

If you take the time it takes, it takes less time.
--Pat Parelli

American by birth; Alaskan by choice.