I expect to be relocating camp most every day. I'm not very good at sitting still. Some of it is patience, some of it is low back pain which hits me real bad sitting and limits how long I can lie down.

Is "tent misting" an issue with tarps as well?

I'm glad you mentioned bivies. I don't do well with mummy bags, don't sleep good with my feet constrained, so I have switched to semi-rectangular bags. I still squirm around a lot but it is better. I picked up a Bear Paw WD bug bivy which seems to have a tub floor which will address some of the problems with sliding off my pad / ground sheet / whatever. (I hope.) I haven't gotten a chance to use it yet ... "soon", whenever that is. Fingers crossed.

I also need to try a hammock. With my back, it's either going to be bliss or sheer agony, nothing in the middle.


Anyone who thinks there's two sides to everything hasn't met a M�bius strip.

Here be dragons ...