Possible IRS officials testimony:

1. Can you please explain the meaning of the word "was" or "were" on her computer?" ...... Scratch that, Bubba already used that.

2. "Well, truth be told, we CAN recover the missing e-mails, but since they are incriminating, we'd rather not."

3. "What difference does it make" .... Nah, that's Hilarity's line

4. " Wouldn't you rather talk about, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the Border crisis?"

5. IRS Official: "My dog ate them"

Investigator: "your dog ate the E (electronic) mail?"

IRS Official: "well, it was an electronic dog"

6. "This whole line of questioning is racist"

And lastly,

7. "It's George Bush's fault"

"I'm from the government, and I'm here to help"