Day 2:

After sighting in with a Parker-Hale 7mm Rem Mag, shooting 160 gr Barnes TSX, we were off in search of Nyala!

We saw many game animals including Zebra, Giraffe, Blue Wildebeest, Impala, Reedbuck, Red Duiker, a small herd of Cape Buffalo, a Kudu bull (young) and Nyala (no shooters)! The terrain was thick with acacia and lush riverine forests.

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Leopard faced vultures. They were congregating on a dead tree, feeding on giraffe intestines left over from a recent kill. Creepy buggers!

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Fever trees are unique to this area, and have a vibrant yellow/green color. It is Zulu legend that if you stand under a fever tree and the yellow/green powder on the bark and leaves falls on you, that you will get a fever.

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We snacked on homemade crunchies and Eland biltong as we surveyed Sungulwane.


We saw less game into the evening as moisture drew in and the animals hunkered down.

We had a nice braai (BBQ) that evening with impala/warthog borevorst (sausage), steak, chicken wings, chili bites and a peppermint tarte. Unbelieveable food and a real welcome from what we get in Djibouti! lol.