Take_a_Knee wrote "Why not just use a mountain bike "Ho-Chi-Minn style?"

This is a great idea. I was attracted to the PackWheel because it used a bike rack, panniers and hand controlled disk brake. I really admire the structural wonders of the bicycle - nothing else I know of will carry a 200lb man at peak fitness hammering away in a race while weighing 20lbs.

But the "Ho Chi Minn" bike won't weigh less than 10 lbs, fold up to little bigger than the wheel and fit unobtrusively on a back pack like the PackWheel. The HoChiMinn bike for about $20 does win the best price contest going away.

NeetKart is a nice idea but too big I think for one person, especially compared to a 12lb PackWheel.

The rack packer is also a good idea but a separate pack frame has a lot of drawbacks vs. an integral pack frame. Also the wheel looks too small,likely to hang up or drop into holes. I think a 20" bike wheel is probably the smallest wheel I'd use.

I think what I want is a $20 HoChiMinn PackWheel.

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