Originally Posted by Bluedreaux
Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by derby_dude
I try never to serve. I've found ways out of it so far.

What a fugging surprise.


Proof that prayers are answered.

I believe in jury nullification and I REFUSE to rubber stamp the judge or prosecuting attorney. After all, this is not justice it's just acting and if an academy type award was awarded best actor either the defense or prosecutor would win although I've seen judges put on a pretty good performance too.

Now if this was a justice system instead of a legal system that would be one thing but it's not and I have better things to do with my time than play juror.

Don't vote knothead, it only encourages them. Anonymous

"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." Anonymous

"Self-reliance, free thinking, and wealth is anathema to both the power of the State and the Church." Derby Dude