Originally Posted by Barak
Originally Posted by FlyboyFlem
State several fundamental constitutional liberties you've been denied? Waiting with extreme anticipation.

Well, let's see.

In the First Amendment, we've got many laws about establishments of religion, and prohibiting the free exercise of religion. The freedom of speech and of the press is regularly abridged, and freedom of assembly is violated both ways--preventing desired assemblies and compelling undesired ones.

In the Second Amendment...well, do I really have to make a list on this forum?

In the Third Amendment, they're not quartering soldiers, but an argument could be made that they're quartering cops. See Radley Balko.

In the Fourth Amendment--hey, there's very little left of the Fourth Amendment these days.

In the Fifth Amendment, we've got the President designating people to be murdered without any legal due process at all. We've got the government torturing people until they testify against themselves. We've got a number of ways that the government takes private property without any compensation at all.

In the Sixth Amendment, we've got people being disappeared Gestapo-style and held incommunicado for years, not only without a trial, but without even counsel.

And the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, like the Fourth, have been eviscerated to the point where they hardly exist anymore.

But no real damage other than that, I guess.


You get the big picture as is evidenced by my Madison quote.

�If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.�
***US President James Madison***