Originally Posted by AndySpencer
My boys and I went to some family land and had a bunch of fun. Shot bows, shot rifles, checked game cameras etc.

First off, that's the important part right there. Them boys will remember this for the rest of their lives - and that memory won't be about dad being less than smooth skinning cat fish.

On big ones like that, I cut down behind the head and then thru the skin only down the top center, from the head cut to as far back as you want to fillet. Do not cut thru the skin at the tail, you'll eventually flip the fillet over skin side down and separate meat from skin.
Then fillet down the spine and over the ribs just like a big scaled fish. Cut as far down on the belly as you want to save.
Do that from head to tail, then flip over as mentioned above.

For eating, I like the 2-3 pounders and fillet them with an electric knife. Cut down behind the head and then shave the spine back to the tail, flip and skin.

Did I mention that those are some big cats???? Bet the boys got a charge out of hooking those dozers.

Have a good day man. In honor of personal freedom and the open squirrel season, I think I'll go put a hole through dinner's head.