When I was a Boy Scout in the mid-70s ('73) to be precise we went on a 50 mile hike in the Uintah mountains (Utah for you eastern boys). We were spread out on a high mountain trail and I saw a critter at the edge of a meadow I'm guessing 500 yards away. I am certain it was a Wolverine. It was low to the ground, had the form of a wolverine (I was a huge wildlife fanatic back then and knew my critters), moved like a wolverine and it was too small to be a bear. I had already had a pet badger and I knew a fair bit about the weasel family. It was definitely not a cougar or coyote. I believed at the time I had seen a wolverine and still do.

Spent a little time in the mountains since and have never seen another.


Communists: I still hate them even after they changed their name to "liberals".

My boss asked why I wasn't working. I told him I was being a democrat for Halloween.