We live in 2014 and yet must use front-stuffers for deer in IA in some seasons. Or,.. in their collective wisdom, our IA legislature allows the use of such machinery as the S&W Performance Center 460 and 500s in those same seasons. What? Hey! There must be some equivalence there somewhere, not? A big Thank You for folks making these kinds of judgements. You see, these straight-walled cannon-sized handgun cartridges are also legal.

Anyway, these post modern, in-line mzlrs and their accompanying menagerie of of often spilled components and tools, and cleaning give me a frikken heartburn. And, what's more, I don't even like 'em.

So, are there any Midwestern, or otherwise, handheld bazooka, deer hunters out there that in a lucid moment can really tell me that these Smith "half-inchers" can really work for deer,....and reasonably? And be practical?

And that as one allergic to the bubba smoke poles, I should get one?

Thanks kindly.