Recall a time some years ago, when a member showed up at our range with a new 340 Weatherby and was telling everyone what a deer slayer that thing should be.

Pre-everybody-got-ear muffs days at our club and some of the boys soon demanded he remove the muzzle brake 'cause it was making their ears ring under the "tin" firing line roof.

Think he fired one or two more shots (sans brake) and left in a huff?

I'm a recoil sissyboy and as I've gotten older, that's gotten worse. Could still shoot one of my 25-06s (70s vintage M700) multiple times from a bench with no regrets if I had to. Beauty is, it generally takes three shots and done for a preseason workout.

One year I fired one shot at the 100 yard camp target, smack in the 1" FO target dot, from a bench using the bipod. My son asked if I was gonna shoot again. Said nope, that'un went right where it was 'sposed to go.

Far cry from the days when I shot lots of ammo from that thing prior to deer season, in preparation. By "dumb luck" that particular rifle hasn't been a problem for the past 20 years, but it gets tested every year anyway.

As someone else mentioned, I have several rifles that I no longer use much in deer seasons because the recoil is bothersome. No need to abide the pain, when the 25-06 is ready to go.

If three or more people think you're a dimwit, chances are at least one of them is right.