Originally Posted by BOWSINGER

Which begs the question of what would the GOP do without the Tea Party? And/or the Evangelicals?
A real threat of total destruction by a coalition of Conservatives.

Who would blink first?

It is going to take a real threat of destruction to save the GOP.

honestly I don't think there are too many degrees of separation from the version of the tea party now and the evangelicals.

My idea of the tea party is it is comprised of people that are mad at the Republican party for not being "republican" enough which in their mind is more evangelical, more hawkish, more small government (and to be honest , their idea of small government is just doing away with what they don't like and building up what they do like)

There won't be a "tea party" candidate that doesn't align with the evangelicals

have you paid your dues, can you moan the blues, can you bend them guitar strings