emotion = good

logic = bad

being a single mother isn't always the mother's choice, plenty of no account men around (though most often it is their choice who knocks them up and what 20 something doesn't want a bad boy that she "tamed")

but regardless of how she finds herself a single mother (perhaps the husband was killed in a car accident)

it's the 2nd amendment's second most important function

that even the weak or weaker sex can potentially protect themselves from tyranny

the tyranny inflicted by the criminal desires of some to wield greater strength or numbers over the innocent.

feel bad for the kid, he found the gun, but can't even find his own nutsack

and it makes me feel good for my wife, should something happen to me, I've two young men in this household that know how to use a firearm both effectively and responsibly

my wife, daughter or grand daughter will never be a victim as long as me or my boys are anywhere near.

but even the wife knows how to shoot effectively, for when my kids were little and I was away guiding, heaven help the stupid sob that breaks into our home in the night while family is there

thank you founding fathers for enumerating the God given right that each man and each woman is the king or queen of their humble castle.

Last edited by 2legit2quit; 12/22/14.

I'm pretty certain when we sing our anthem and mention the land of the free, the original intent didn't mean cell phones, food stamps and birth control.