I know Barry rather well, I have his phone number. Now to the meat of things. Barry lays with dogs and has flees all over him. He is also 2 faced, as in he talks [bleep] about fatfrog and then gets in bed with him.

The frog was removed from his position as chairman of the board for a year because he had stole some money or put another way he padded his expense account. No one wanted the job so he got it back.

PM has pretty much banned all the old crew and relies Google to refresh the membership. PM depends on a used car salesman to generate revenue with banner ads. Smells like rotten fish from here, or is that rotten frog.

Yes I have a membership there, but only to surf the classifieds. I would never post anything of value on the chicken [bleep] site.

I've been so overwhelmed with fake news that I'm now nuts. Let's go Brandon