Maybe the Asian Parents like the Jewish ones put high premium on getting a good education! While the Blacks put a premium on scoring there next pipe full of crack! Seem to me all they are doing is penalizing hard work and discipline ! Its not so much about getting into college that should be the focus its that how many actually graduate with something useful once they get into college and in a reasonable period of time! You can pave the way for anybody to go to say Stanford since this is California, by playing around with admittance criteria but at the end of the day if that student either drops or flunks out, you are doing nothing but damaging the kids you are supposedly trying to help, My grades were never good enough for Stanford, to get in to, let alone stay and actually graduate with deceit grades that would have make the expense even worth while!

"Any idiot can face a crisis,it's the day-to-day living that wears you out."

Anton Chekhov