While some of the newest small engines are E10 "acceptable" I maintain its better to buy the non-oxy. Shop rates up here are approaching $200/hour. Non-oxy is worth it.
Many of the smaller engines aren't run all the time like chain saws, blowers, mowers and trimmers. It allows settling of the corn based sludge. While Sea Foam and similar additives "help" it is not complete protection. Non-oxy is.This is the result of the EPA's "renewable fuel standards" (RFS). Like everything else in government they started with a 10% dilution - now they want 15% and even 20%!!
Burn the phones to your federal reps and don't let the higher concentrations happen. Farmers are already sending 40% of their corn to be distilled. RFS has distorted the ag. market and farmers are abusing the land - chasing 200 bu./acre corn. Planting up to fence lines, tilling up CRP and marginal ground as well.
There is massive over fertilization going on which is not good for the soil.

The "ethanol lobby" has millions to spread around. Make your voices known.

My home is the "sanctuary residence" for my firearms.