i PICKED THIS UP AT BLOCK BUSTER, its supposedly the story of one day in the lives of a squad of soldiers in IRAQ,
Ive rarely seen so much inaccurate gunfire or so many really bad decisions on our troops part, basically it makes our troops look like saps/jerks, our guys kill a bunch of terrorist nut jobs,that keep driving up in pickup trucks and firing RPGS,at our guys while our guys are trying to help the local cops or escape being attacked while carring wounded comrades,and while most of the local citizens get caught in the cross fire or blown up with IEDs,they get no armored or air support and they seem absolutely unable to do anything but (SPRAY & PRAY) if attacted short answer, not worth renting if reality is your thing...you can only watch guys fireing on full auto at 50-80 yards and hitting nearly nothing for so long before you know its BS, most times a couple of AIMED shots would have done the job just fine, how can you miss a jerk at 40 yards standing in full view for 30 shots??