Getting a degree is TOUGH. If it wasn't, everyone would have one, right? Why is it so tough? Because the educators make it tough. That's how life is...TOUGH. I personally think there are other routes that will prepare you equally for life, but you must chose a path and decide, will it be education and degrees that you prosper from or will it be sweat and hard work? Otherwise, the alternative, I suppose, is welfare...which by the way is easy as pie...but not very rewarding. When your young, your focus is on day to day activities, survival, fun...what ever. As you age, you think more and more about future. It starts with tomorrow...where will I go tomorrow, then next week, then next year then all of a sudden your planning for retirement. If you start thinking about retirement now...what would you want it to look like. How can you fund THAT dream? Maybe that will make college more palatable. And really, what your doing now is trying to find a way to make it more palatable, not a way to make it easier...cuz there is no way to make it easier in the long run.<P>Nate

I like to ask question as if to make myself appear stupid...that way, I avoid all posibilities of being held responsible!