Evidently our skills must be better than what you see. There are a lot of folks that do not have any business in the woods, that is very true. But good bowhunters loose extremely few mortally hit deer. Extremely few.

I've taken over 100 head of big game when I quit keeping tabs in teh late 90s with a bow.

I lost 1 deer to a gut shot over those years, learned HOW to find gut shot deer in case they did jump string and hit further back.

Hunting with a group of 8 bowhunters for close to 20 years as group, I can count on one hand the number of deer lost. And we shot our limits most years.

Now other hunters may be sloppier and less adept at following a trail, but not the case here.

What is the case is that mechanical heads can fail. I"ve seen it. Wife has seen it. Others hunting have seen it. Seems when they work, they do awful good job and may cut the trailing distance to a dead deer in half, but mind you I've never had a problem finding a lethally hit deer.

When they fail, they do so miserably. Wife and I each had tough issues with mechanicals... mine failed to open, hers had the blades bend over and become dull.

Her deer took us about 5 hours to find him. I found him once, early on when he was not nearly sick enough... and then waited quite a bit more before trailing and shooting him again in his bed.

My deer was shot at almost 9am exactly one morning, double lung shot, just over the heart arteries. Blades failed to open. Deer was found after a long grid search by myself, around 730pm that evening. I did go back to camp twice to eat and did take about a 30 minute nap after lunch....

I'll not use mechanical ever agian.

We can keep Larry Root and all his idiotic blabber and user names on here, but we can't get Ralph back..... Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over....