Originally Posted by billiam280AI
Bayou....You are the one who is easy to read. Anyone who goes to your profile and looks at your posts which I have, can see there is nothing of substance there. Every one of you comments are demeaning and belittling, no matter what the subject. I can't find where you have tried to help anyone anywhere on any subject. You are a smart ass bully, and that is the exact type person I can't stand. You come on the internet and look for any opportunity to degrade someone, and why? All because momma didn't play with you enough.....oh yeah, and dad played with you a little too much possibly! Im done with you, have a great day. BTW, there is NO SUCH thing as a Karate chop, those are only in the movies. lmao
Enjoy you coffee

I'm impressed that you took the time to read everything I've posted here and from that you then have the ability to characterize a complete stranger with lewd outrageous remarks about his parents. My parents raised me just fine with no problems and I was taught to never talk down to anyone with remarks like those. I'm truly sorry that you obviously missed that in your raising.

As for the karate chop remark, I injected that to counter your silly remark about being martial arts trained; as thought that might make some of us cower in fright in your presence.

I'd buy the 280 AI if I were you just because its obvious that you're special and you seem to want a bunch of complete stranger to validate your decision.

Carry on dude. You're impressive in your own special ways.

It's official. I missed the selfie deadline so I'm Maser's sock puppet because rene and the Polish half of the fubar twins have decided that I am.

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