Not one person has responded to the substance of the article. Both Trump and Sanders are fundamentally anti-free market. Adam Smith and classical economics are not wrong and the fact that Trump and Sanders largely repudiate Smith does not make him wrong. Free trade, an aspect of a free market, is an engine of economic growth, not its opposite. The United States is moving ever closer to a fully socialized economy where the reigning dogma is neo-Marxism, not classical, free-market economics. Both Trump and Sanders tilt in favor of socialist economic policies, not free-market policies. Its no accident that Trump is adamantly opposed to cutting entitlement spending, even though at current rates it will bankrupt the country or that he wants higher taxes on the wealthy. Likewise, it is no accident that the supporters of socialist Sanders also like Trump very much.


Communists: I still hate them even after they changed their name to "liberals".

My boss asked why I wasn't working. I told him I was being a democrat for Halloween.