Geedubya, that mammoth ivory is very cool stuff. I have a Damascus-bladed knife with it, scrimshawed by Kurtz Miller of Eureka Springs, AR, who gave me the knife and elephant hide sheath after his father passed. His dad was my very best friend and the knife one of my most prized possessions. Not a using knife though.
I never cared for all the extra steel on the end of the bolt. Cleaned up and the safety put on the side of the stock does make a better presentation. This is a 257 Roberts and a real nice rifle for deer and antelope...
Are those ticks coming off that deer above the knife handle? Sorry ever since I contracted Lyme disease 5 years ago I have become hyper vigilant for those cursed creatures.
Here's my lineup, 2 on the right are mausers, far right is a sportered 7mm spanish, next one left is a 98 in .243 with a redfield widefield. The synthetic one is my typical rifle, howa gameking in 6.5 cm, and the other one is a mark v in 257 magnum. The 98 and mark v are new acquisitions to me, the spanish was my first rifle (was my grandpas) sights are bent on it so it doesnt go hunting much
Not sure you are still around Pappy348? I also have an FN 30-06 made in 1952…would like to see a picture of yours. Mine has the rear peep and is also drilled for a scope. I have a couple different scope mount bases for it…
So, how much would you pay for a Mauser pistol like that with all the accessories in 9mm? What is it worth?
Apologize for the delay in reply - still learning my way around here. This one is a 1930s Commercial model in 7.63 Mauser and a fairly common gun. 9mms are much rarer and more expensive. The gun would be about $1500-$2000, original Mauser shoulder stock $500. Add 50% for 9mm. I reload and for hunting shoot .30 carbine soft point bullets. Its a good shooter up to about 100 yds.
My first Mauser success with my Husqvarna .30-06. Was unsuccessful getting it on an elk this year so I decided to take it after a whitetail. Had both my boys (5 and7) with me so that made it even better.
"...aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you, so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one." - Paul to the church in Thessalonica.
Shew me thy ways, O LORD: teach me thy paths. "there are few better cartridges on Earth than the 7 x 57mm Mauser" "the .30 Springfield is light, accurate, penetrating, and has surprising stopping power"