This can go on for 10 pages, but unless the guy was loading black powder cartridges & was drawing from a 20 or 30 pound container of powder, SOMETHING ELSE WAS THE CAUSE, as has been mentioned.

In 2010 in Stanford Ky. a black powder explosion took the life of one & injured 2. It destroyed a dethatched garage, damaged the residence & a neighboring house.

It was no secret, the guy was a dealer. A good friend bought from him. He had 80 pound kegs of black available & he broke them down for resale. He & a helper were repackaging when a salamander heater that was near ignited unexpectedly. BOOM.

Not known how much powder let go, but likely 80 pounds or less. A disintegrated 2 car garage & damage to the rear corners of 2 houses. The event is easy to look up.

The damage of the home in the current event?.............. extensive to say the least. Usual local news know nothing & reporting BS.