Originally Posted by kk alaska
[ Told to rest, hydrate, and take Tylenol. Go to the hospital (to die, I guess) if getting worse.


That is what I was told also got Covid after the vaccine no way I am going to follow that advice again. Very tough to find Ivermectin now in Anchorage even with a prescription. Most will not fill even if they have it
if you are admitted to a hospital no way. Taking the Z pac for maintenance and Iver if I get it early on.


Ivermectin is safe and effective and has been used for decades.... but they won't let you have it because it short circuits your dependance upon their wonder vaccine and forever boosters. Big pharma and big medicine have no money to be made from Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquin therefore thou shalt not have it!
As for hospital data and nearly any governmental data... nope, I don't trust it a bit! Experience has shown me time and time again that figures lie and lars figure and that government at all levels will gladly lie to your face to stay in power.

An unashamed bitter/clinger/deplorable