I have a Steve's Gunz Rossi 92 that's received his action job, trigger job, and a new marbles tang peep sight. Chambered in 45 Colt it's now delightful to shoot. Can't believe I haven't found this discussion until now.
I bought all the parts for my 92 in 357 and did all the work myself and saved quite a few $$. (except for the cerakote) Removed all the guts and replaced all the springs. Bought a wet stone and slicked up the bolt and all the sharp edges on everything. It's smooth as glass when working the action. Trigger is so much better and loading the shells is no longer a pain in the ass. Some of you might not like it this way and that's ok. I had this gun for about 7 years and never really shot it, but now that I made it tacticool, I can't put it down. Soooo much fun to shoot!!!
i plan on buying a Rossi 92 this summer for just a shooter ,my question will the 357 Mag. still have decent power to maybe finish a bear off with a good bullet if needed within 40-50 yards ? i would rather own a Rossi in a 357 mag. over a 44 mag. for my truck and and 4- wheeler,bang around rifle and fun gun to shoot. thank you ,Pete53
I personally would want something bigger than a 357 if I have a bear charging me from 40yds. But if the bear just plans on laying there with no desire to get up and run at you to rip your face off, you’ll be fine with a 357.
I bought a Rossi a short time back, with a 45 Colt chamber. I like it a lot. I think their butt stock sucks. The feeding and accuracy are fine. I replaced the safety, but I don’t recall what I installed.
Someone mentioned Gunbroker. I stopped buying anything from Gunbroker in 2009. I used to buy from Gunbroker quite a bit - never more!
If I buy on-line, it’s almost through Guns International. Guns International is where I put my up rifles for sale.
I prefer classic. Semper Fi I used to run with the hare. Now I'm envious of the tortoise and I do my own stunts but rarely intentionally
I bought two recently manufactured Rossi '92's, both in .44 Mag. One with a 16" bbl, the other 20". Unlike my JM Marlin, they will actually feed SWC's just fine. They are both slick especially compared to an older manufacture Rossi in .357. Seems they've incorporated all the slicking up into their factory rifles these days. I do wish they'd dispense with the Buckhorn rear and go to a flat top sight instead. Otherwise, they are a lot of bang for the buck.
I just got a 454 last night, it will go with the 357. 20” and 45. 16” , I have thought about the tac route, but I’m a John Wayne stagecoach fan, and RifleMan nut, grew up that way, I like your set up , didn’t think you could do SS and tac. But it doesn’t look bad, still a lot of stuff you have to get from Steve’s that Rossi hasn’t started making yet, Steve seems like a fine fellow to do business with.