Dear Allen and everyone,
<br>Please try not to be sarcastic. It serves no one.
<br>If this thread is going to die a death, slow or otherwise I am disappointed. I should think that people who exercise freedom and are concerned about any particular one freedom or all of them collectively would be keenly interested in the ONE THING upon which those freedoms are based. LAW.
<br>You are perceptive enough to see that I am not giving answers to certain questions. People must first be prepared to understand the answers. The answer to your question Allen, has been given (or enough so) in my previous posts, all one need do is assimilate evidence and connect the dots. There is actually a lot more information (than it appears on the surface) and clues to other lines of thought given in my previous posts. Read all of my posts carefully. In the future, as people learn, they will want to refer back to them. Your particular question does not present a life-threatening situation. What's important is that people ARE taking an interest in this sort of thing. I'm not doing this to give answers, but rather to lead people to answers. Many, like horses, will refuse to drink, at least for now, because it's not life-threatening, or because it's not on THEIR DOORSTEP. But this will change.
<br>You notice I didn't tell 7mm that I don't know the answer, but rather that I don't know HOW to answer. That's God's honest truth. I said that it is a good question, actually it's an excellent question. Most people don't arrive at that until later down the road. The answer is much more complex than yes or no and it has FAR REACHING implications. That answer, in its entirety, is known and fully understood by very few lawyers, if any, and only a portion of the judges in this country. Good luck trying to pry more insight out of any of them!!!
<br>I can tell by the responses to this thread that we are not dealing with people slow on the uptake. If that were the case, I would be more apt to just give answers. I never asked anyone to do my leg work for me, I am TELLING people don't take my or anyone else's word for it, look it up and have proof on hand. At the end of this post I will give you the links to quickly look up statutes and regulations from the U.S. Code and Code of Federal Regulations.
<br>1. When looking laws up, or having ANY dealings with law or legal matters whatsoever, keep in mind that DEFINITIONS ARE KEY! "United States" for instance has, by one report given me, over 7000 differeint definitions throughout the U.S. Code. (That should explain a lot to you).
<br>2.Others to watch carefully are: person, individual, and state. You'll be VERY suprised.
<br>3. Also keep in mind that the hard copy of the Code is different from the on line versions, in many instances, remarkebly so.
<br>4. The following list is the Title Numbers from the U.S. Code which HAVE BEEN enacted into POSITIVE law:
<br>1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 23, 28, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 39, 44, and 49. There are 50 Titles in all and they are numbered 1 through 50. (This means that less than half are LAW).
<br>5.Webster defines code as: A system used for brevity OR SECRECY. But...
<br>Black's Law Dictionary defines it as: a collection of laws, a COMPLETE system of POSITIVE law scientifically arranged and PROMULGATED by legislative authority.
<br>The very word "code" implies something is hidden. Which definition is THE definition? (Read them again and carefully consider your answer.) We are talking about law so we must assume the legal difinition is the one to use. If that is so, why do the courts behave as though all Titles are POSITIVE and PROMULGATED?
<br>I originally commented on this thread to start people thinking. I realized many years ago that I wasn't going to school merely to learn, but to learn how to learn. I have also observed along the way that people are trained by the system to learn and think along certain lines. People are trained (from grammer school through college) not only what to think but more importantly HOW to think. This is especially important to note when considering professionals. (Lawyers, politicians, doctors, etc.) If you are a professional and this makes you angry, that is your fault, and your CHOICE. A wise man standing right next to an angry one would be saying to himself "maybe there is something here that I have overlooked, maybe I should dig for evidence. Surely many millions of my countrymen can't all be wrong.
<br>Perspective. Different point from which to view. New lines of thinking, not right or wrong, just different. THAT is what I am offering. An introduction, a place to start (one of many) to get a better idea of what is going on in America. A place to start to build a foundation from which one can understand THE ONLY POSSIBLE SOLUTION. By looking these things up, one will begin to find, as I have, many FACTS and TRUTHS the intricacies and implications of which are beyond staggering.
<br>Those desiring more information may continue to email me privately, I am glad to help out. But I WILL NOT respond to hecklers. This topic is too important to be wasting time argueing with obtuse,stubborn, closed-minded people.
<br>I am going to start a new thread with a reprint of a very informative brochure that was given me about 10 years ago (13 years after my starting this quest). Look for it under the 2nd amendment heading, it will be entitled "One World"
<br>The U.S. Code can be found on line at or , just type in Title and Section or search for words/phrases.
<br>The Code of Federal Regulations can be found at, or just use
<br>REMEMBER, definitions are key. It does you no good to look up ANY law unless you check the definitions section of that particular group of statutes. Legislators have a habit of being sneaky and misleading. They, like politicians, are very profecient with double-speak.
<br>Thanks and God Bless!
<br>Resistants to tyrants is obedience to God
<br>Thomas Jefferson