Originally Posted by Sassy
Okay, your inquiring aunt wants to know what possessed you to do such a stupid thing. It was a dare wasn't it. You are so like your cousin in so many ways.

Aunt Sassy

Well since you're my favorite Auntie and you always bought me better birthday and Christmas gifts than you bought Les wink I feel obligated to explain...

I was taunted by the sign at Lunkers plain and simple. Not particular a dare but an indirect taunt to my dignity..... So even though I had just eaten a 99 cent bag of cheeto's and half of a turkey wrap it was on. (if Les and I have any thing alike, it's the delerium of being taunted by billboards and undoubtly taking their challenges)

When it came out I started having doubts...

After the first third I almost came to terms that I was not going to finish it in time...

Then I realized that my doctor co-pay is only $25 compared to the $50 bill attached to the steak....

The rest is history.....

The steak was free, I got a free T-shirt, my name on a plaque, and didn't even have to see the Doc...

Besides my blood still feels like the consistency of elmers glue, all's well that ends well!

grin grin grin sick

If 'ya can't put hot sauce on it, it ain't worth eat'n....