For dry eyes even before cataract surgery my ophthalmologist prescribed daily warm, wet compresses for 10 minutes morning and evening. Also to consume fish oil (Omega-3 supplements) because he said we not only want to improve the quantity of your tears but the quality of the tears. Then use eye drops regularly.

After cataract surgery, he had me continued with the warm wet compresses and to be even more diligent with eye drops. I am not to use common drops that "take the red out" as that only makes the problem worse. He prefers me to use drops without preservatives.

The regimen he prescribed works and when followed daily I am not troubled with dry eyes. I don't do it as consistently as I should and after a while my eyes let me know.

As has been said before "Growing old ain't for sissys!"

"It is wise, though, to remember above all else: rifle, caliber, scope, and even bullets notwithstanding, the most important feature of successful big game hunting is to put that bullet in the correct place, the first time!" John Jobson