I'd guess it was ~5 yards? Maybe a step closer, maybe a step farther. While still hunting going up the mountain just after daylight, I sat down on a rock to watch my backtrail down the mountain and eat a pack of crackers (blood sugar was dropping as I was easing up the mt). It was a cold, still morning...leaves were extremely loud. I'd sat down at the lower side of a patch of hill cane. To my right, left, and above I couldn't see but could see down the mountain well. As I started opening the crackers the plastic was really, really loud. I heard something to my right coming straight towards me and moving at a pretty good pace. I sat the crackers down, put a knee on the ground and turned so I could shoot to that side. He walked out of the cane with the hair on his neck standing up and he looked pissed. Probably 5 steps away, one shot and it was done.

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