The last 4 days the first Annual “Blast” shoot was held at Flint Oak Ranch, run and coordinated by Jim & Sally Bauer.
It was a GREAT shoot, great people, run extremely smoothly and well.. it was a blast!

The format honors the VHA Jamboree, and even the yardages they used were what was used at the last shoot in 2011.
Shooters showed up from just about everywhere, ND, SD, Florida, George, Iowa, Ohio, … and some of the great Benchrest shooters were on the line and I got to learn from some of them… Gordy Gritters ran the range with a bunch of the Wichita KS shooters manned the range, Jim & Sally are both National champs… so they know how to run one of these.

They will have another one next year - if you get the chance to shoot at one, I would say go for it.
I shot with my new PRS rifle, an AR & 22’s …. They also had a Tactical class, and a factory rifle class.

Great guys, Great hosts, Great time…. Wow it was fun !!

Frankly this was my first bench shoot ever but I managed to grab a slot with that PRS rifle I built…
The guy who won the unlimited class was also one of Gordy Grittters gunsmithing students and was using his first build like mine was…
Now I need to built a BR rifle vs. using my PRS rifle for bench work..
Pretty great feeling to shoot well with one you built.

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