Posted By: Simplepeddler Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
Holee molee this pain is real!!

Any tricks out there or will have I have to deplete my Quaalude inventory over this?
Posted By: huntjinx Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
In my experience lie as flat as you can, stretch as you ate able and take full advantage of narcotics.
Posted By: gregintenn Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
I had it for quite a while. Couldn't sleep at night. It was miserable. I got a bad case of poison ivy, went to the doctor and got a cortisone shot. The sciatica left and hasn't returned for several years now.

If you go and ask for it, you might be able to get the steroid shot without getting poison ivy first. grin
Posted By: Ohio7x57 Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
Could try physical therapy. Most end up with some type of surgery to get relief. A buddy just had surgery for that very thing. He couldn’t get comfortable and finally gave in to the knife. He’s 77. About 13 years older than I am. I’m probably headed that way someday.

Posted By: steve4102 Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
Get an MRI

I went through hell for 5+ years as my POS insurance adjustor, masquerading as a Doctor, put me on pills, PT, more pills, more PT and more misery , refusing to authorize an MRI ,as my pain was due the physical stress of being a contractor

Finally got authorization for an MRI by his partner as he was on vacation

MRI was on Thursday, Broken back in two places, rushed my surgery to be bone the following Friday

Demand an MRI
Originally Posted by steve4102
Get an MRI

I went through hell for 5+ years as my POS insurance adjustor, masquerading as a Doctor, put me on pills, PT, more pills, more PT and more misery , refusing to authorize an MRI ,as my pain was due the physical stress of being a contractor

Finally got authorization for an MRI by his partner as he was on vacation

MRI was on Thursday, Broken back in two places, rushed my surgery to be bone the following Friday

Demand an MRI

Crap! That is scary man!
Sit straight up and heat.
Posted By: Rock Chuck Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
If you get in poison ivy/oak/sumac, alcohol will fix it if you use it to wash the oil off before it soaks in (that's alcohol on the skin, not on the stomach lining). This won't fix sciatica, though. The alcohol on the stomach lining works better for that.
Posted By: Papag Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
Since I had my spine fused I can't even go to a chiropractor. Luckily my daughter finals is a physical therapist and she has given me exercises and stretches for both sciatica and piris formis pain. Still hurts and sometimes a couple days of prednisone is the only relief.
Posted By: gunswizard Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
A steroid injection took care of my sciatic nerve pain, it was so bad that I could barely walk into the clinic. After the injection I got up off the doctor's table and walked out of the office, that was 5+ YEARS pain has never returned.
Posted By: rangerat Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
A miserable experience with it for bout two years. Tried the cortesone spinal shots for awhile but they only worked for about two and a half months. Got the surgery and I can now walk mostly pain free. Still have some manageable stiff back pain but I'll take it over sciatica.
Originally Posted by gunswizard
A steroid injection took care of my sciatic nerve pain, it was so bad that I could barely walk into the clinic. After the injection I got up off the doctor's table and walked out of the office, that was 5+ YEARS pain has never returned.
Sounds like you ate a 2 for $2 beef’ N chedar from Harbee’s
Posted By: Nestucca Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
Been messed up for 5 weeks now and the biggest mistake I made was going to a chiropractor. The guy busted me up so bad I couldn’t even walk for 10 days and I think he screwed up a disc which got me two trips to the hospital. Trip one involved an Asian female Dr. slapping a lidocaine patch on my ass and two Tylenol and two ibuprofen without a happy ending. Round two with a different Dr. he wrote a prescription for prednisone which got me walking a little after five days but couldn’t stay on my feet more than a minute or two. The sciatica is still bothering me but not quite as bad but still not fun and feel for you with the lighting bolts down the leg. Bending over and stretching seems to give me a little relief so you might try it.
Posted By: cra1948 Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
I think I've got mine whipped after several years of off and on misery. Weight loss, stretching, exercise and a bed with lumbar support capabilities. You need to figure out ways on your own that will straighten your spine, space out your vertebrae.
Posted By: gunchamp Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
Originally Posted by Simplepeddler
Holee molee this pain is real!!

Any tricks out there or will have I have to deplete my Quaalude inventory over this?
As was said, MRI is a must. Ive been through the worst pain in my entire life at the end of last year. They were treating me for a hip injury, due to unbearable pain that was coming from deep in my hip. I lost all feeling from the knee down on my right leg. I spent a month early on, not sleeping more than 2 hours a night. I never missed a day or work but couldnt even sit in a chair. I was taking 10 advils to get to work and home, under the direction of my doc. The pain was something I couldnt even imagine was possible. Im a very happy person and if that was life moving forward, I couldnt see living anymore it was so extreme. That said, they stuck me in PT for 3 months. It did eventually start to help, but when my issue was still bad, they finally ordered 2 mris. One for the hip and one for the back. Ended up having multiple disks bulged and the one that was causing all the issues, was the L5/S1 disc. Completely blown and had my sciatic nerve pinched against a bone. They want to do a fusion surgery, but I have currently declined. Once we figured out what was happening, we were able to start doing exercises that actually targeted the issue. Within a month, my feeling came back and my pain level is down to a 1-2 at worst. All that said, GET AN MRI!!
Posted By: RockyRaab Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
I ruptured a disc on Nov 19, 2022. Was in excruciating pain for three months as the docs made up their minds. Appointment in two weeks, then schedule tests in two weeks, then get the results in two weeks, then an MRI in...you guessed it. Finally got surgery on February 19, 2023. By that time, the sciatic nerve had been pinched for so long it had deteriorated. Doc says if it didn't regain function in a year it probably never would. It's been 13 months now. It hasn't.

Coupled with the fact that I also developed arthritis in both hips, I now walk like Walter Brennan in Rio Bravo and get exhausted doing anything at all. I can feel that nerve down my leg, but it's deadened, just a numb rope. Thankfully, the lightning bolts and the stabbing needles are gone but I get random screaming cramps in my calf and foot. T'ain't fun, McGee.

The only advice I can give you is to never ever go to a chiropractor. Nothing they can do will help, and can cause severe injury. See the best genuine spinal Doc in your area and trust him or her.
Posted By: gunchamp Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
They threw heavy doses of steroids at me and that did nothing. Back bends, core strengthening at a slow pace and walking as much as possible helped. Drink tons of water and like I said, walk your ass off, even when the pain is bad. It took me motnhs, but Im in far much better shape than I was and I havent been cut open as of today. Dieting helps too. Stay away from inflammatory foods and drinks as much as possible. If you need to know the specific exercises, I can send pics of the sheets with all the directions from the surgeon and PT
I suffered from it for years until I found someone who does Muscle Activation Treatment. They literally start from your toes and go to the top of your head, activating pressure points by hand. Resolved after two treatments, though I went for many more. I’ve heard similar success stories from colleagues who used the same practitioner. It’s like chiropractic/massage but it’s not.

Seriously, consider it as a non-surgical option. Look for someone who offers it here:

Posted By: Garandimal Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
- Lie flat on your back, on the floor, arms above your head.
- Heals 6" apart, toes touching.
- Point your toes down (away). (this will drag your heals back a bit)
- Point your toes up. (this will produce a little slack, and allow the knees to raise a bit)
- Bridge (bow) by driving your heals into the floor, your heals to your shoulders, as the only contact points.
- Hold bridge for a slow Ten-count. (keep your toes together)
- Relax/Rest for a Five-count.
- Repeat Ten times per set.
- Three to Five sets/day, together or dispersed.

Posted By: KFWA Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
every morning I would lie flat on my back, and my wife would take my leg, put it on her shoulder and push it toward my head to the point I couldn't go any further.

hurt like heck but it worked for the day - had to do that for about a week, but I had been putting up with it for a week before that.
Posted By: SDLEFTY Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
I was in serious accident in December 2020. Broke my back in 28 places and shattered my T9. I deal with this a lot. I've been lifting and doing cardio since Jan 10. It has gotten a lot better but it still hits from time to time. An inversion table has been a life saver for me. Find a friend that has one and use 2-3 times a day. If it works, BUY it. They're fairly cheap. I farm and ranch so I spent some serious seat time in a bumpy tractor. Immediate relief after a 14 hr day.
Posted By: tdbob Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
Losing weight and walking helped me.
I had back surgery last Friday for my sciatica. Doc cleaned bone spurs and other arthritic debris and trimmed the bulging disc that was pinching the nerve. Had been down for two months with it. By the time I woke in recovery, the nerve pain was gone. Previously had an epidural which gave minor relief.
Posted By: earlybrd Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
Ya mine flares up chiro was useless
Posted By: JohnnyLoco Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
Stop sleeping on a memory foam mattress
Posted By: dpd Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
Inversion table helps me
Posted By: Alamosa Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
Traction table helps me.
Posted By: Gibby Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
I'm working on getting a Radio Frequency procedure. Two lidocaine shots to verify the correct nerves, then the RF procedure.
Arthritis in L4-L5-S
Posted By: RockyRaab Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
Read the cautions about inversion tables and high blood pressure. The two do not play well together.

I got temporary relief by just hanging by my hands and SLOWLY twisting my hips around. Stretches your spine like inversion but without the dangerous blood rushing to the head problem.
Posted By: persiandog Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
Posted By: bpas105 Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
Since my L5-S1 surgery quite a few years ago, I've had several sciatic episodes, and with a couple discs that are essentially gone, quite a bit of non-sciatic pain as well. For me, a few things help, keeping in mind your pain will likely continue until you get the inflammation corrected:
-Meds. I've had the shot in the back, a quick steroid shot in the arm or butt, and various scripts. If you have decent insurance, the shot directly into your back works.
-Inversion table. You don't need to hang from it. For me, a 30-40 degree slope works fine. If I get a twinge, I'm using it a couple times a day for a few days.
-Stretches. I went to PT just to get a list of proper stretches and I do them every single morning, while lying in bed. Takes about a half hour to do them well. Generally ankle and leg stretches, knee bends and squeezes, stomach clenches, etc. You can get caught up in the expensive and time-consuming PT routine, or go once or twice to get the routines to do at home. For me, these stretches help the most over the long term.

Good luck!
Posted By: Burleyboy Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
Demand an mri. I waited too long to get one and then found out I had major problems. Central stenosis, a few badly ruptured disc's, an autoimmune disease that destroys your back called ankylosing spondylitis.

If things don't look too bad a steroid injection could work wonders. If they say you need surgery get a few different opinions and go for it if they all agree. I waited too long and got caude equina syndrome and had to have emergency surgery within 24 hours. Back pain has been an everyday thing for me for 12 years. It gets old.

Posted By: drop_point Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
L5-S1 is terrible. Its had me down on and off for years. Insurance wouldn't authorize an MRI until I do physical therapy; two hours a day five days a week for 3-6 months. Try doing that and having a job, not to mention $240/week in co-pays.

On x-ray, several spurs and complete degeneration of the joint. The only thing that helps is steroids and stretches. Nothing takes it away.
Stretching the spine a little could really help. Try hanging from a bar or an inversion table. Both have helped me. Just don’t abuse it.
Posted By: ruffcutt Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/01/24
It’s no joke, depending on where the pain is originating from is the first step to the cure.
Mine is muscle related around my hip joint.
Lying flat on a hard surface gives me relief, having my leg pulled while on my back is a temporary help. Riding an exercise bike helps keep it loosened up.
It comes and goes, sometimes the simplest thing triggers it.
Posted By: Rock Chuck Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
A couple years ago I was supposed to drive a bus load of scouts to a big thing in Oregon. 2 days before we left, I got out of my chair and pain shot from my right butt cheek to my ankle. I could barely hobble around with a cane, let alone drive. They had to find a sub driver in a hurry.
A week later, I went to a chiropractor. The 1st 2 visits, he pushed and pulled and it helped. Then the 3d time, he went to work. Holy hell it hurt. I couldn't move the next day. I never went back to that SOB.
Posted By: WildWest Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
I do squats to loosen up mine. Has helped a lot.
Posted By: Houston_2 Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
Sublingual vitamin B-12 might help you.
Posted By: Rustyzipper Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
L4- L-5 here. Every now and then it hits me. The neck disc luckily causes way less trouble. I use what works. Normally no meds and certainly no opioids. Got some gummies that helped noticeably at one time. Just decided to lose weight and get in better pyhsical condition. It helps and a hard as you can stand mattress. I can only sleep two hours a night without good support. RZ.
Posted By: steve4102 Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
As pointed out by myself and others.

Get an MRI before PT does more damage.

After my back surgery, my surgeon told me “ do not let anyone and I mean anyone, do PT on your back and cervical spine without talking to me first”.
Posted By: Valsdad Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
I'll join in with the MRI crowd. As someone said, demand one.

Fuggin sawbones and insurance companies can shove it up their wazoos when it comes to backs.

2010-2011 or so I did something at work and messed up my back. Along with the pain was the start of sciatica. PT didn't do much, THEN they allowed an MRI. "Oh, Mr Geno you have stenosis in your lower vertebrae and some slightly bulging discs. Your not at the point for shots or surgery yet, keep up the exercises, but you WILL be back"

FF to 2015, back getting worse. Reg doc says "have to send you to PT" which was problematic as I was leaving work in about 3 weeks and the soonest I get a PT appointment was a month. So I get to take the script to where my wife was living and where I stayed during the off season. Another 2-3 weeks before I could get a PT appointment, then 6 weeks, 2 sessions, $25 copay each time and no relief, other than being relieved of $300. PT guy says I'll send a report to you doc here.

report gets to doc, the call me in and send me to the x-ray folks. I go home. Get a phone call that afternoon, "can you come in tomorrow for an MRI"

Gee, do you think the back Doc back in 2011 might have known what the hell he was talking about when he said I would be back.

Fuggers, the lot of them. Had to go through the same scheidt with my shoulder. x-ray showed some "arthritis" so that's our diagnosis for now, take some pills and use ice. "We can't authorize and MRI if you don't have a specific injury incident" Yeah, right. So last winter as I was opening the chicken Gulag I heard my shoulder pop. In to the doc I go, MRI authorized, yep, torn rotator cuff. No scheidt I say, I told you that nearly two years ago.

Without doing an MRI it's like bringing the car to the mechanic and saying something under the floorboards is making noise and the mechanic says "Change the oil and air up the tires good" without putting the car up on the rack and taking a look.

Get an MRI and find out what's actually causing it. BEFORE going to chiropractors or PT or starting an exercise program or you may find yourself in worse shape.
Two friends who have sciatic pain swear by inversion tables.
Posted By: AB2506 Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
Originally Posted by gunchamp
Originally Posted by Simplepeddler
Holee molee this pain is real!!

Any tricks out there or will have I have to deplete my Quaalude inventory over this?
As was said, MRI is a must. Ive been through the worst pain in my entire life at the end of last year. They were treating me for a hip injury, due to unbearable pain that was coming from deep in my hip. I lost all feeling from the knee down on my right leg. I spent a month early on, not sleeping more than 2 hours a night. I never missed a day or work but couldnt even sit in a chair. I was taking 10 advils to get to work and home, under the direction of my doc. The pain was something I couldnt even imagine was possible. Im a very happy person and if that was life moving forward, I couldnt see living anymore it was so extreme. That said, they stuck me in PT for 3 months. It did eventually start to help, but when my issue was still bad, they finally ordered 2 mris. One for the hip and one for the back. Ended up having multiple disks bulged and the one that was causing all the issues, was the L5/S1 disc. Completely blown and had my sciatic nerve pinched against a bone. They want to do a fusion surgery, but I have currently declined. Once we figured out what was happening, we were able to start doing exercises that actually targeted the issue. Within a month, my feeling came back and my pain level is down to a 1-2 at worst. All that said, GET AN MRI!!

You’re gambling with your health. While you feel good now, that could change in an instant. Back injuries in the belt area can affect not only your back, but the strength in your legs and the function of things like your bladder and bowel. Your erections could go away.

You are really fortunate that your feeling is returning. When your nerves are severely pinched, they can die downstream of the pinch. When the pressure is removed, there is no guarantee that the nerve recovers even a bit, let alone a full recovery.

Unfortunately, I know a lot of this from personal experience. Coming up to 19 years since my disc blew out and caused cauda equina syndrome.
Posted By: AB2506 Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
Originally Posted by RockyRaab
I ruptured a disc on Nov 19, 2022. Was in excruciating pain for three months as the docs made up their minds. Appointment in two weeks, then schedule tests in two weeks, then get the results in two weeks, then an MRI in...you guessed it. Finally got surgery on February 19, 2023. By that time, the sciatic nerve had been pinched for so long it had deteriorated. Doc says if it didn't regain function in a year it probably never would. It's been 13 months now. It hasn't.

Coupled with the fact that I also developed arthritis in both hips, I now walk like Walter Brennan in Rio Bravo and get exhausted doing anything at all. I can feel that nerve down my leg, but it's deadened, just a numb rope. Thankfully, the lightning bolts and the stabbing needles are gone but I get random screaming cramps in my calf and foot. T'ain't fun, McGee.

The only advice I can give you is to never ever go to a chiropractor. Nothing they can do will help, and can cause severe injury. See the best genuine spinal Doc in your area and trust him or her.

Yep. I can relate.
Posted By: Calvin Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
Originally Posted by tdbob
Losing weight and walking helped me.

Mine wasn't as bad as some of what's been posted, but walking 3-5 miles a day and a lower inflammation diet really helped me out a lot when my back was all f'd up. Walking just fixed a knee issue I just had too.
Posted By: johnn Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
Wall sits for a minute, several times a day.
MRI MRI MRI! I know that's been beaten like a rented mule already but until you know what's really the matter you can't know the way to treat it. It could be from a myriad of cause, ranging from a simple nerve impingement that physical therapy could fix easily all the way up to spinal cancer.

I had the L5/S1 fusion surgery way back in 2009, I was in mortal agony. Recovery was bad, but it had to be done. I have heard that surgical techniques have improved a lot since those days. The steroid/lidocaine shots can help immensely with getting muscle spasms stops so you can get some rest, then physical therapy to keep pressure off of the nerves IF that is what's wrong. Osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, ankylosing spondylosis, degenerative disc disease, bone cancers, autoimmune conditions, extremely severe muscle spasms from overuse, just too many things can cause that kind of sciatic nerve pain. That's an area with big nerves and big muscles that's easily damaged.
Lost 50lbs, started walking 2 miles every day and quit going to the chiropractor all really helped me.
Chiropractor helped for the first 6 mos or so, then I missed a few appointments and was feeling better and realized it was doing more harm than good at that point.
Inversion table helps if I tweak it bad and wake up stuff as a board. I need to get in the habit of stretching every morning

Construction work for 35 years now, takes a physical toll.
Originally Posted by Son_of_the_Gael
Two friends who have sciatic pain swear by inversion tables.

My knee replacement made an inversion table a no no. I used the table in the past to get temporary separation of L4 and L5, but that is out now.
Posted By: milespatton Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
I have lived with Sciatic nerve pain for lots of years now. Several different Doctors, several MRI's. All say the same thing. One operation, Hydrocodone by the handfuls , they finally quit doing anything, a bunch of back shots from two different pain clinics. Quit all that, and hurt no worse than I did when spending most of my time at the Dr. Drink whiskey, which kinda knocks the edge from the pain, does not stop it, and lots of days,you feel like doing nothing. Such is my life. miles
Posted By: RHClark Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
Originally Posted by LeonHitchcox
Originally Posted by Son_of_the_Gael
Two friends who have sciatic pain swear by inversion tables.

My knee replacement made an inversion table a no no. I used the table in the past to get temporary separation of L4 and L5, but that is out now.

I use a Yoga Body Yoga swing my kids bought me for Christmas. I love it. I do all sort of stretches and exercises with it. It holds you at the hips so knees shouldn't be an issue. It only costs around $100 too.
Posted By: RockyRaab Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
I walk a half mile on my treadmill every morning. That's about all I can do but it does loosen up my back and hips a bit. If I don't, I'm a wreck.

I have kidney issues, so I can't take NSAIDs. Six Tylenols a day, with aspirin addition when it's especially bad. Started taking daily Turmeric capsules in the hopes of reducing inflammation. We'll see.
Originally Posted by RHClark
Originally Posted by LeonHitchcox
Originally Posted by Son_of_the_Gael
Two friends who have sciatic pain swear by inversion tables.

My knee replacement made an inversion table a no no. I used the table in the past to get temporary separation of L4 and L5, but that is out now.

I use a Yoga Body Yoga swing my kids bought me for Christmas. I love it. I do all sort of stretches and exercises with it. It holds you at the hips so knees shouldn't be an issue. It only costs around $100 too.

Thanks, I will check it out. Have missed the inversion table, but my knee replacement was so painful I dare not mess it up.
Posted By: RHClark Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
A huge issue is that the term Sciatica is often used as a general term to describe lower back pain. First you need to know exactly what is causing the pain. There are some videos on YouTube to help you diagnose and treat the exact cause.
Posted By: steve4102 Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
Originally Posted by RHClark
A huge issue is that the term Sciatica is often used as a general term to describe lower back pain. First you need to know exactly what is causing the pain. There are some videos on YouTube to help you diagnose and treat the exact cause.
That’s what the MRI is for.

Find the cause of the pain, then treat, DO NOT GUESS
Originally Posted by milespatton
I have lived with Sciatic nerve pain for lots of years now. Several different Doctors, several MRI's. All say the same thing. One operation, Hydrocodone by the handfuls , they finally quit doing anything, a bunch of back shots from two different pain clinics. Quit all that, and hurt no worse than I did when spending most of my time at the Dr. Drink whiskey, which kinda knocks the edge from the pain, does not stop it, and lots of days,you feel like doing nothing. Such is my life. miles
Sometimes nerve damage is permanent. Some drugs such as gabapentin and duloxatine might possibly help if you haven't tried those already.
Posted By: steve4102 Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
You also have to have a qualified professional read that MRI.

Many insurance adjusters masquerading as Doctors are either unqualified to read an MRI, or are just incompetent in general.
Posted By: rcamuglia Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
Over 35 years ago I ruptured L5-S1

20 years ago I ruptured L3-L4

Discectomy in 2005 helped immensely but never 100%

Ruptured another in 2019 and had unbelievable sciatica

Surgeon advised against surgery as the outcome was a toss up between better, the same, or worse

Took a different approach at that point after noticing that all the PT was related to strengthening the posterior chain. Started doing deadlifts along with other posterior chain strengthening exercises added to my routine

It cured me. Absolutely the best my back has been for 37 years.

Getting stronger is never the wrong answer

Posted By: RickinTN Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
Cortizone/steroids in a 7 day run or injection work wonders. Don’t hesitate to see an orthopedic doctor and pronto. You will be glad you did.
Good luck!
Posted By: bpas105 Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
Originally Posted by RickinTN
Cortizone/steroids in a 7 day run or injection work wonders. Don’t hesitate to see an orthopedic doctor and pronto. You will be glad you did.
Good luck!

There are plenty of good orthopedic doctors out there, but I want a neurosurgeon when looking at my back. Think Winchester vs. Mossberg - one's worth more than the other for a reason.
Posted By: gila_dog Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
I've been down with sciatica several times. In my case it was caused by too much sitting on my ass in the office, on airplanes, or in cars. And not enough walking around and getting some exercise. What it boiled down to was that the muscles in my lower back became weak and delicate and the least little effort would cause the nerve coming out of my spine to get mashed or otherwise injured. And it took a long time to get over it. Pills and doctors were no help. Getting off my ass and onto my feet is what fixed it.
Posted By: RAM Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
Get a Teeter or similar quality inversion table
Posted By: BLG Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
I have an inversion table. It works, but you have to be careful. Don't just go upside down real fast. Take it easy going past horizontal SLOWLY.

I have a herniated disc at L4/L5. I have had the injections 4 times over the years. Some gave relief more than others. STRETCHING your hamstrings and core strength have really helped me lately. Next step for me would be a nerve block. I usually got the steroid injections. Last one was in November. I find if I keep up my stretching and work on my core, my back doesn't ache near as much. Most of the time, I'm relatively pain free. Unfortunately, it flares up with little to no warning. Bend the wrong way, and it gets bad.

Another poster said to get rid of the memory foam mattress if you have one. I didn't realize how much it was affecting me until I got rid of the damn thing.

Posted By: Dess Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
Sitting on your wallet doesn't help either. Mine was stuffed with everything except money and condoms. Cleaned out old cards and receipts. Moved wallet to front pocket and it helped.
Posted By: johnn Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Over 35 years ago I ruptured L5-S1

20 years ago I ruptured L3-L4

Discectomy in 2005 helped immensely but never 100%

Ruptured another in 2019 and had unbelievable sciatica

Surgeon advised against surgery as the outcome was a toss up between better, the same, or worse

Took a different approach at that point after noticing that all the PT was related to strengthening the posterior chain. Started doing deadlifts along with other posterior chain strengthening exercises added to my routine

It cured me. Absolutely the best my back has been for 37 years.

Getting stronger is never the wrong answer


Spot on.
Had back surgery on the low back in 1987, no pt in them days, at least not around here. Suffered on / off for twenty years.

Finally found the exercise that resolved the recurring issues.

MRI can provide information, surgery is the last resort IMO.

Find the exercise that works for you, it can take time.
Posted By: milespatton Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
[quote] huge issue is that the term Sciatica is often used as a general term to describe lower back pain./quote]

Mine started as pain in my hip, mostly at night. I thought I needed a Hip replacement, as I had already had the knee replaced on that side. I still suspect the epidural used in the knee replacement as the culprit. miles
Posted By: milespatton Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
Should have mentioned, I bought an inversion table several years ago, and after a few months, I quit using it. It was a lot of work, with no gain. miles
I lay on the floor and pull both knees up to my chest and rock as far up as I can. Then keep one leg straight and bring the other up to your chest and rock. Then do the other leg. When my back gets really bad they put me on prednisone and it usually straightens me out. All my issues are muscle pulls and not spine or disc.
Posted By: ribka Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
You have to do some type of stretching/ yoga at least 20 minutes a day plus core, glute, lower back strengthening exercises

Cut our carbs. Processed foods and get in at least 2 miles walking or 10 miles biking a day or swim laps. Get a pull up bar and hang from it every day tai chi is great too and sport massages and accupuncture

Avoid getting cut and endlessly taking narcotics

The biggest problem is lack of movement and too much sitting
Posted By: johnn Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
The sciatic nerve exits the spine and runs down into the lower leg, often pinched where it leaves the spine, particularly if discs are compromised and space between the vertebrae is diminished.
It can hurt anywhere from the low back to the lower leg.

At least thats been my experience, low back pain, lower leg pain, knee pain.

I quit jumping off of truck tailgates 10 years ago
Posted By: ribka Re: Sciatic silver bullet? - 04/02/24
This routine works great. Most are too lazy to proactive in their own health and diet

Lot’ of great advice for sure. After reading some of this I’m damn lucky. I few floor exercises and stretches and I am feeling better. I am lucky enough to not be terribly over weight, on 15 pounds at the most. But I do do sit most all day, so I will managing by walking around a lot more.
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