It seems like clear battle lines are being drawn. I can't see how conservative Democrats would be able to stay in that camp. I can't see how middle of the road independents will side with Democrats.

Just how strong is that crybaby puzzy azz millennial crowd? We look at the millenial generation as a bunch of self entitled wussies, but what percentage really are?

Don't underestimate how stupid and easily manipulated the dimocrats really are.
More of interest to me is whether she can eat an apple through a chainlink fence.
Originally Posted by Armednfree
It seems like clear battle lines are being drawn. I can't see how conservative Democrats would be able to stay in that camp. I can't see how middle of the road independents will side with Democrats.

Just how strong is that crybaby puzzy azz millennial crowd? We look at the millenial generation as a bunch of self entitled wussies, but what percentage really are?
Conservative Democrats? Wtf is that?
If what the Democratic Party has shown already hasn't chased the Blur Dog Democrats to the GOP, nothing will.
You just know she drags her teeth... and it's gotta hurt.
So many low iq brown invaders will keep the dems in fine shape...

The country is poised for a hard left turn imo. Demographics are everything. White folk should be alarmed but most are like the frog that slowly gets boiled to death.
Originally Posted by Bristoe
If what the Democratic Party has shown already hasn't chased the Blur Dog Democrats to the GOP, nothing will.

I still know some folks who are registered as Democrats, but vote Republican. After seeing what the Democrat Party has become, I could not stand to be a member of that party. It was hard for me to change my registration because I didn't care to belong to the same party as that great Bolshevik, Abraham Lincoln had been a member of. But......that was ancient history, and it's what counts today, and today the Democrat Party is more akin to the Communist Party than to anything else.
Originally Posted by Ghostinthemachine
So many low iq brown invaders will keep the dems in fine shape...

The country is poised for a hard left turn imo. Demographics are everything. White folk should be alarmed but most are like the frog that slowly gets boiled to death.

This right here. Depending on where or how you live determines your ability to see this happening.
Sam Nunn Democrat’s MAY still exist. I think Cortez is first vivid example of the fracturing of the Democratic Party. This fracturing has been going on for years as radical far left groups become the gross representation of the party. It seems to me that these groups are each so unilateral in purpose that they have no common point around which to unify and rally. That is, except a hatred of Trump. I don’t think that Cortez will unite the party. I believe that she will be a catylist that further exposes the divides in the party and ultimately deepens those fractures. May they fully receive and stew in the reality that they have worked so long and so hard to build.
Originally Posted by Armednfree
It seems like clear battle lines are being drawn. I can't see how conservative Democrats would be able to stay in that camp. I can't see how middle of the road independents will side with Democrats.

Just how strong is that crybaby puzzy azz millennial crowd? We look at the millenial generation as a bunch of self entitled wussies, but what percentage really are?

Not the 'death' of the Dem party, but the 'transformation' of the Dem party - transforming into full-blown communism...
The Democratic party is the party of minorities and misfits. It will become more and more apparent as the older Caucasians in Congress die off and are replaced with minorities. Ocasio Cortez and her ilk are the leading edge of that transformation.

Whether you think it's good, bad, or RACIST!!!,.....the GOP or whatever replaces it will soon be defined as the Caucasian Party.
There's two main types of people in this country.

1 - Those that want the American Dream and are willing to work for it.

2 - Those that want free stuff with as little effort as possible and are willing to be led around by the nose.

Her and her ilk resonate with the #2 crowd. Unfortunately the values and morals being instilled in a lot of people raised in the past 40 years are more in line with them. I fear we are doomed, sooner or later. Might take a couple/few generations but America will most likely turn into Europe at some point and then degrade into Venezuela. Sounds far fetched but that is what I see. I fear for my kids and grandkids future with the media, education and political parties all aligned against what made this country great in the first place.
Unfortunately, Statism is the wave of the future and most conservative politicians are too stupid to deal with it.

I was discussing some issues with the local Rs and all I could get out of them was that opposing attempts to build Section 8 housing in our town and turn it D is raciss and that opposing the schools teaching our kids that fa ggotry is OK is a waste of time because "we lost that argument".

Basically, we are lost because the pols are afraid of being called mean names.
Originally Posted by Tyrone
Unfortunately, Statism is the wave of the future and most conservative politicians are too stupid to deal with it.

I was discussing some issues with the local Rs and all I could get out of them was that opposing attempts to build Section 8 housing in our town and turn it D is raciss and that opposing the schools teaching our kids that fa ggotry is OK is a waste of time because "we lost that argument".

Basically, we are lost because the pols are afraid of being called mean names.
They ain't afraid of being called mean names, they are owned.
Ethan, I think they've had the same rations of brainwashing the rest of us have received. Throw in the Libertarian impulse of "we can't interfere with that, that would be statist" and you have a recipe for paralysis.

I told them to resist apartment at the zoning level. "That would be statist."
I told them to tax the fug out of apartments. "We can't do that, that would be statist AND racist against the poor."
Well, what the fug are you gonna do to keep the town voting R and nice with high property values and low crime? "Blank stare."
I've opined several times that the Dems have a serious internal struggle for control of the heart of their Party. Nothing could illustrate that more than the Left embracing a nut case and such an unaccomplished persons as AOC while savaging an Old School Democratic classic Northeast Liberal in Howard Schultz.

This is the effect of 30 years of Identity Politics. For 30 years, the Dems have sought to expand their base by going to the radical fringes of American Society. Militant feminists, environmentalists, Vegans, LGBTxyz, the racists AA like Booker and Waters. The enemy of all these are Christian Whites, along with all of their values.

This is the effect of 25 years of the Clinton's controlling Clinton's Party. The Dems were run by the Kennedy's and the NE liberal elite for 35 years, until the Clintons came to town and brought Saul Alininsky with them. They attacked their enemies, destroyed them personally, and with their success, slowly pushed the Kennedy wing out of power.

They also suppressed the development of young talent in their Party. There was to be NO competition for Hillary when she ran for President. Amazingly, unknown Obama beat her. To make sure that did't happen again, the nominally ran Bernie the Crazy Commie, and to their dismay, found that their new fringe Party liked him about as much as HRC!

The Dems doubled down in effort to blunt the Trump offensive against them by running young, and radically Left opponents to grab the House, knowing that in an off year election, they could "buy" the House. They did it, and now what do they have?

They have a Party with aging leadership. Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders, Warren, Feinstein are all fossils. Their young guns - Harris, Booker, etc., are not in Washington because they are clever or bright, but because the Dems got them elected. It would have been the same if Abrams and/or Gillum had won the Gov seat in GA or FL. Neither candidate is very bright. I suppose what I'm saying is none of the young ones have political talent. They are not savvy.

Now the aging leadership has a problem. They've created this far Left monster that demands attention and wants to run the show right now. They are too naive to play hard ball politics at this point, and if they are allowed to drive the Dem bus, they will drive it off the cliff.

That is the internal fight the Dems have for the next 2-4 years.

IF they succeed in torpedoing Trump, then the Far Left will have a piranha like feeding frenzy if they gain control of power, and you will see everything from federal abortion laws as have cropped up in the last month, to Sharia Law from the Mussies in Congress, to Open Borders, Gun Control (REAL gun control. Not this bump stock crap) to increased taxes, sign on to Paris Accords, and let's not forget RBG seat on the Supreme Court. That one could be a game changer for America for the next 25 years.

If the Dems succeed in their assault vs. Trump, then all the bad above will be their present to you. Should Trump get re-elected and should the Dem circus expose them and then allow the GOP to retake the House, the Dems will at some point between 2021 and 2024 need to regroup, and the answer for them is "appear" to go to the middle with some Bill Clinton characters as their spokesmen.
Whitey is in a heap of trouble!!!
It's not so much as Democrats like Cortez that worry me, as it is the 50% of Americans that voted for Hillary Clinton. These are the dangerous ones, because they don't care what direction the country takes, just as long as they can get free healthcare, food stamps, education, abortions, housing, preferential hiring at jobs, and every other freebie that comes down the pike.
Hatari, I agree for the most part, but: The Clintons did not bring "the politics of personal destruction" to town, it was already there. Remember Ted Kennedy's borking of Bork? But the Clintons did take it to another level and it has continued to be the defining characteristic of the Democrat Party.

Also agree about the aging leadership, although "leadership" is a poor description of what Pelosi, Schumer, et.al. are providing. It is more like the leadership is being led by the Crazy Bernies and AOC's of the party. The fact remains that the Democrats won the House majority, so their message is resonating in a large number of places.
Originally Posted by JamesJr
It's not so much as Democrats like Cortez that worry me, as it is the 50% of Americans that voted for Hillary Clinton. These are the dangerous ones, because they don't care what direction the country takes, just as long as they can get free healthcare, food stamps, education, abortions, housing, preferential hiring at jobs, and every other freebie that comes down the pike.

I hate to say it, but if it weren't for abortion we would have been run over by now.
She is a prime example of why Democrats oppose the wall and Immigration reform.

She was elected by the "brown" majority in her district. The Democrats need greater numbers of permanent underclass minorities to support their party.

The more illegals from "schit hole" countries that the Democrats can introduce into society the more voters they will secure.

The Democrat Party lives and breaths on keeping minorities on the plantation and bringing in more and more illegals looking for a Democrat supplied handout.

Free Sells, free Obama phones, free health care, free college, free food, free heat, free money, free living is a winning strategy for new comers to America and young sculls full of must that have never worked in the real world and have accumulated astronomical amounts of college debt. Only the old and dying off are opposed to Free, the young and those on the plantation are all for it.

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs and "It's the economy stupid" used to be THE winning strategy, now it's "Free" Tax the rich 70% and you will have all the free stuff you ever wanted.

Bernie ran on a "Free" campaign and he would have beaten Hillary had she not rigged the primary.

She will not be the death of the Democrat Party, she along with self proclaimed socialists like Bernie will expand the Democrat party.

Originally Posted by Armednfree
It seems like clear battle lines are being drawn. I can't see how conservative Democrats would be able to stay in that camp. I can't see how middle of the road independents will side with Democrats.

Just how strong is that crybaby puzzy azz millennial crowd? We look at the millenial generation as a bunch of self entitled wussies, but what percentage really are?

According to wikipedia the millenial generation is as large as the baby boomers, give or take, @ 75 million.

There used to be great numbers on conservative democrats, mostly the southern states. I don't know if they exist anymore or they possibly switched to R or maybe Independent.
She exposed herself for what she is last night. An absolute clown.

Hope she likes her current gig because it's the highest she'll ever go.
Who was that guy in Germany awhile back who ran the National Socialist party?

Socialism only works for the few at the top of the party.

Democratic Socialists seem to be there already, but only now are admitting it.
More likely the death of the US.
Originally Posted by steve99
Originally Posted by Armednfree
It seems like clear battle lines are being drawn. I can't see how conservative Democrats would be able to stay in that camp. I can't see how middle of the road independents will side with Democrats.

Just how strong is that crybaby puzzy azz millennial crowd? We look at the millenial generation as a bunch of self entitled wussies, but what percentage really are?

According to wikipedia the millenial generation is as large as the baby boomers, give or take, @ 75 million.

There used to be great numbers on conservative democrats, mostly the southern states. I don't know if they exist anymore or they possibly switched to R or maybe Independent.

Conservative Democrat is an Oxymoron, as was back in the day and always will be.

One cannot vote for a certain party, yet oppose their entire platform, unless you are retarded or completely brain dead.
Originally Posted by EthanEdwards
Originally Posted by Armednfree
It seems like clear battle lines are being drawn. I can't see how conservative Democrats would be able to stay in that camp. I can't see how middle of the road independents will side with Democrats.

Just how strong is that crybaby puzzy azz millennial crowd? We look at the millenial generation as a bunch of self entitled wussies, but what percentage really are?
Conservative Democrats? Wtf is that?

Zell Miller was the last one I am aware of. Sadly, he's now deceased.
Originally Posted by Pappy348
More of interest to me is whether she can eat an apple through a chainlink fence.

I just spewed coffee all over my laptop! ROFLMFAO!
Originally Posted by Boarmaster123
Originally Posted by Ghostinthemachine
So many low iq brown invaders will keep the dems in fine shape...

The country is poised for a hard left turn imo. Demographics are everything. White folk should be alarmed but most are like the frog that slowly gets boiled to death.

This right here. Depending on where or how you live determines your ability to see this happening.

Originally Posted by Boarmaster123
Originally Posted by Ghostinthemachine
So many low iq brown invaders will keep the dems in fine shape...

The country is poised for a hard left turn imo. Demographics are everything. White folk should be alarmed but most are like the frog that slowly gets boiled to death.

This right here. Depending on where or how you live determines your ability to see this happening.


I could only hope.....

every time she opens her mouth, she puts her foot into it...

like at the SOTU last night, with her little 'wearing white' bimbo party...

its like she had to keep looking at others, to give her the we stand up now or don't stand now
signal before she could do anything...

showed her cluelessness in action....

she has to be one of the stupidest graduates with an Economics Degree in the world....

if she wants all of this socialist bliss and she's hispanic.. why doesn't she just skip the BS and go right to what she wants, turn key and ready to go....move to Venezuela or Cuba....

take Grandpa Bernie with her....
Originally Posted by Armednfree
It seems like clear battle lines are being drawn. I can't see how conservative Democrats would be able to stay in that camp. I can't see how middle of the road independents will side with Democrats.

Just how strong is that crybaby puzzy azz millennial crowd? We look at the millenial generation as a bunch of self entitled wussies, but what percentage really are?

Don't leave out those three Muslim Clueless bimbos either....
Originally Posted by Bristoe
If what the Democratic Party has shown already hasn't chased the Blur Dog Democrats to the GOP, nothing will.

The Blue Dog democrats are still out there. Don't know how many are hanging in there hoping for better days. And voting GOP these days.

Never hear about them on the Left Wing News. They helped put Trump in the White House. We could sure use their help again.
Originally Posted by Bristoe
The Democratic party is the party of minorities and misfits. It will become more and more apparent as the older Caucasians in Congress die off and are replaced with minorities. Ocasio Cortez and her ilk are the leading edge of that transformation.

Whether you think it's good, bad, or RACIST!!!,.....the GOP or whatever replaces it will soon be defined as the Caucasian Party.

Good analogy...one can watch TV with the sound off and can tell one crowd from the other with ease, and it IS becoming more and more apparent.
Originally Posted by hatari
I've opined several times that the Dems have a serious internal struggle for control of the heart of their Party. Nothing could illustrate that more than the Left embracing a nut case and such an unaccomplished persons as AOC while savaging an Old School Democratic classic Northeast Liberal in Howard Schultz.

This is the effect of 30 years of Identity Politics. For 30 years, the Dems have sought to expand their base by going to the radical fringes of American Society. Militant feminists, environmentalists, Vegans, LGBTxyz, the racists AA like Booker and Waters. The enemy of all these are Christian Whites, along with all of their values.

This is the effect of 25 years of the Clinton's controlling Clinton's Party. The Dems were run by the Kennedy's and the NE liberal elite for 35 years, until the Clintons came to town and brought Saul Alininsky with them. They attacked their enemies, destroyed them personally, and with their success, slowly pushed the Kennedy wing out of power.

They also suppressed the development of young talent in their Party. There was to be NO competition for Hillary when she ran for President. Amazingly, unknown Obama beat her. To make sure that did't happen again, the nominally ran Bernie the Crazy Commie, and to their dismay, found that their new fringe Party liked him about as much as HRC!

The Dems doubled down in effort to blunt the Trump offensive against them by running young, and radically Left opponents to grab the House, knowing that in an off year election, they could "buy" the House. They did it, and now what do they have?

They have a Party with aging leadership. Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders, Warren, Feinstein are all fossils. Their young guns - Harris, Booker, etc., are not in Washington because they are clever or bright, but because the Dems got them elected. It would have been the same if Abrams and/or Gillum had won the Gov seat in GA or FL. Neither candidate is very bright. I suppose what I'm saying is none of the young ones have political talent. They are not savvy.

Now the aging leadership has a problem. They've created this far Left monster that demands attention and wants to run the show right now. They are too naive to play hard ball politics at this point, and if they are allowed to drive the Dem bus, they will drive it off the cliff.

That is the internal fight the Dems have for the next 2-4 years.

IF they succeed in torpedoing Trump, then the Far Left will have a piranha like feeding frenzy if they gain control of power, and you will see everything from federal abortion laws as have cropped up in the last month, to Sharia Law from the Mussies in Congress, to Open Borders, Gun Control (REAL gun control. Not this bump stock crap) to increased taxes, sign on to Paris Accords, and let's not forget RBG seat on the Supreme Court. That one could be a game changer for America for the next 25 years.

If the Dems succeed in their assault vs. Trump, then all the bad above will be their present to you. Should Trump get re-elected and should the Dem circus expose them and then allow the GOP to retake the House, the Dems will at some point between 2021 and 2024 need to regroup, and the answer for them is "appear" to go to the middle with some Bill Clinton characters as their spokesmen.

Well said Sir. I agree with your assessment.
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by Bristoe
If what the Democratic Party has shown already hasn't chased the Blur Dog Democrats to the GOP, nothing will.

The Blue Dog democrats are still out there. Don't know how many are hanging in there hoping for better days. And voting GOP these days.

Never hear about them on the Left Wing News. They helped put Trump in the White House. We could sure use their help again.

I've got a younger cousin who lives up north,...young man in his late 30's. He lives on 50 acres, likes hunting, particularly bow hunting,...drives pick-up trucks, has dogs, working man. But he belongs to a union so he votes Democrat. There's a lot up north like him. They just don't get it.

Even *if* the union could protect him from what the Democrats have planned for this country, it's a damn high price to pay just for union representation.

I don't even try to talk to him about it. (actually, I don't see him very often)

He's got 3 kids. I figure if he wants to sell them out to multiculturalism, it's his business.
Once the media recognizes her novelty has worn thin, she will be relegated to the trash heap of bad ideas. Tick tock......................
Originally Posted by Armednfree
. I can't see how conservative Democrats would be able to stay in that camp.

That's because they don't exist. PERIOD
That bitches “Chicklets” would make a beaver jealous...
Originally Posted by jorgeI
Originally Posted by Armednfree
. I can't see how conservative Democrats would be able to stay in that camp.

That's because they don't exist. PERIOD

Yes,..they do. As mentioned, with many people in the big union states, the union is their only issue.

In every respect they are as conservative as the day is long. But it's their perception that the Democratic Party represents the unions,...and that's how they vote.

The same situation exists in Appalachia for somewhat different reasons. There's people there who are as conservative in their lifestyle as anyone you'll ever meet. But they vote Democrat.
Originally Posted by DubThomas
Originally Posted by Pappy348
More of interest to me is whether she can eat an apple through a chainlink fence.

I just spewed coffee all over my laptop! ROFLMFAO!

Me too. I think she can bray at the same time.
Originally Posted by Bristoe
Originally Posted by jorgeI
Originally Posted by Armednfree
. I can't see how conservative Democrats would be able to stay in that camp.

That's because they don't exist. PERIOD

Yes,..they do. As mentioned, with many people in the big union states, the union is their only issue.

In every respect they are as conservative as the day is long. But it's their perception that the Democratic Party represents the unions,...and that's how they vote.

The same situation exists in Appalachia for somewhat different reasons. There's people there who are as conservative in their lifestyle as anyone you'll ever meet. But they vote Democrat.

That's pretty much right, Bristoe. Also, it's not just the unions either, it's the fact that many of these folks still look at the Republicans as being the party of the rich Yankees, and therefore against the "little man." I've known a number of them, and I'll guarantee you they were more Conservative and better Christians than 90% of the folks on this site. They're mostly old and still living in the past.
Originally Posted by Pappy348
More of interest to me is whether she can eat an apple through a chainlink fence.

[Linked Image]
My father in law is an old union Democrat that believed the republicans were the party of the rich and Dem's were for the working man. After 8 yrs of Obama and Trump getting elected he has finally seen the light and hates Dem's now.
He is a stubborn old goat and if he can change sides I believe there is hope many of theses yankee union Dem's can also....

He thinks Trump is great..... so there is hope for people like Curdog 45/70..... wink
Originally Posted by Bristoe
Originally Posted by jorgeI
Originally Posted by Armednfree
. I can't see how conservative Democrats would be able to stay in that camp.

That's because they don't exist. PERIOD

Yes,..they do. As mentioned, with many people in the big union states, the union is their only issue.

In every respect they are as conservative as the day is long. But it's their perception that the Democratic Party represents the unions,...and that's how they vote.

The same situation exists in Appalachia for somewhat different reasons. There's people there who are as conservative in their lifestyle as anyone you'll ever meet. But they vote Democrat.

I am continuously surprised at how many very successful old timers around here are democrats, most originally came from outlying rural farm communities, came to town and made it big[locally] in one business or another and every one of them[and families] are democrats.
The Democratic party is all about celebrity over substance. Obama who had no credentials was turned into a media celebrity so he could ascend.

Same thing they are doing with Cortez It doesn't matter that she is dumb as a box of rocks.

Next step for her is Senate, but don't know if either of the current New York Senators, Schumer or Gillibrand, are ready to vacate their seats, so she may have to carpetbag her way into a state to run in the future.
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by Bristoe
If what the Democratic Party has shown already hasn't chased the Blur Dog Democrats to the GOP, nothing will.

The Blue Dog democrats are still out there. Don't know how many are hanging in there hoping for better days. And voting GOP these days.

Never hear about them on the Left Wing News. They helped put Trump in the White House. We could sure use their help again.

Bows,,,,,name them, please.
Originally Posted by Raeford

I am continuously surprised at how many very successful old timers around here are democrats, most originally came from outlying rural farm communities, came to town and made it big[locally] in one business or another and every one of them[and families] are democrats.

Yeah,....a lot of them are gradually coming around. But apparently, it's a hard mindset to break for some people.

I think most of them don't really follow political trends all that much. Their parents voted Democrat for the reasons you stated,...their grandparents voted Democrat for the same reasons,..and it's almost like a religion to them.

They don't see what the Democratic party has become,...and what little frame of reference they have is based on what the mainstream media tells them.

They have yet to understand that the Democratic party first wants Caucasians marginalized,.....then they want them dead.

But even among the old folks,..I have to believe that every time the Democrats have Aunt Jemimah give the rebuttal to the SOTU address,...the more those conservative Democrats wake up.

I'm just waiting for the day that the Democrats hold a homosexual parade down Main Street, Hazard, Ky.

,...have a bunch of whiffenpoofs on floats being dragged down the street in Speedos 2 sizes too small with their business out shaking it at the crowd.

When they get done in Hazard,..the homos can take their show up north,.....have them roll up and down the street shaking their rainbow tattoo'ed dicks in the factory workers faces up there,...big banner on the side of the float saying, "Fall in step fellow Democrats!"

Those union factory workers up north need a homo dick shaken in their faces if they're going to get a clue. It'd help if it's a big black one.

It's a shame that it's come to this,....but it is what it is.
If Howard Schultz runs, he will do to the Dems what Ross Perot did to Republicans back in the 90's.
Originally Posted by tdbob
If Howard Schultz runs, he will do to the Dems what Ross Perot did to Republicans back in the 90's.

There is that possibility but he'll draw others who would might hold their noses and pull the republican lever, too.
Originally Posted by Old_Toot
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by Bristoe
If what the Democratic Party has shown already hasn't chased the Blur Dog Democrats to the GOP, nothing will.

The Blue Dog democrats are still out there. Don't know how many are hanging in there hoping for better days. And voting GOP these days.

Never hear about them on the Left Wing News. They helped put Trump in the White House. We could sure use their help again.

Bows,,,,,name them, please.

I would never name them even if I could.
Schultz will never be allowed to get the nomination. Dems don't like ousiders they can't control Schultz is not spouting the new Party line. He will be targeted.
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by Old_Toot
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by Bristoe
If what the Democratic Party has shown already hasn't chased the Blur Dog Democrats to the GOP, nothing will.

The Blue Dog democrats are still out there. Don't know how many are hanging in there hoping for better days. And voting GOP these days.

Never hear about them on the Left Wing News. They helped put Trump in the White House. We could sure use their help again.

Bows,,,,,name them, please.

I would never name them even if I could.

Could or would ? Can't or ain't ?

I'm saying,,,,they ain't there,,at all. Unless, of course, if you'll name them.
Schultz stated if he runs, it will be as an Independent.
Originally Posted by hatari
Schultz will never be allowed to get the nomination. Dems don't like ousiders they can't control Schultz is not spouting the new Party line. He will be targeted.

Independent run, hatari ?
Schultz won't run.

His entire business is based on selling overpriced coffee to Communists. That Jew coffee grinder isn't going to trade his business for a run at the Presidency.
Originally Posted by Old_Toot
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by Old_Toot
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by Bristoe
If what the Democratic Party has shown already hasn't chased the Blur Dog Democrats to the GOP, nothing will.

The Blue Dog democrats are still out there. Don't know how many are hanging in there hoping for better days. And voting GOP these days.

Never hear about them on the Left Wing News. They helped put Trump in the White House. We could sure use their help again.

Bows,,,,,name them, please.

I would never name them even if I could.

Could or would ? Can't or ain't ?

I'm saying,,,,they ain't there,,at all. Unless, of course, if you'll name them.

Their names are on the voting rolls of all those states who flipped from Clinton to Trump.

I found this one with the guts to say that she flipped.

“On Election Night, I couldn’t believe it was happening. I was up late watching every state go Trump and I was baffled,” said Sue Stavish-O’Boyle, a long-time Democrat from Forty Fort, Pennsylvania who voted enthusiastically for Trump. “I thought, wow, I can’t believe it! The little people have a voice!”
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by Old_Toot
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by Old_Toot
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
[quote=Bristoe]If what the Democratic Party has shown already hasn't chased the Blur Dog Democrats to the GOP, nothing will.

The Blue Dog democrats are still out there. Don't know how many are hanging in there hoping for better days. And voting GOP these days.

Never hear about them on the Left Wing News. They helped put Trump in the White House. We could sure use their help again.

Bows,,,,,name them, please.

I would never name them even if I could.

Their names are on the voting rolls of all those states who flipped from Clinton to Trump.

I found this one with the guts to say that she flipped.

“On Election Night, I couldn’t believe it was happening. I was up late watching every state go Trump and I was baffled,” said Sue Stavish-O’Boyle, a long-time Democrat from Forty Fort, Pennsylvania who voted enthusiastically for Trump. “I thought, wow, I can’t believe it! The little people have a voice!”

Well,,,,there's one in a row.

I was speaking of Congressional democrat support, the ones relative to Trump's remaining 2 years.
She is stupid enough to cause genocide to her own.
Ashlyn Boyd 22, Perry, Mich.

A lot of Boyd’s friends don’t know she voted for Trump. Most supported Clinton, she says. But Boyd, who went to cosmetology school during high school, had other concerns. Obamacare looked good on paper but was unaffordable for her family. Her three-year-old son will soon be in school, and she opposes Common Core. She thinks Trump’s idea of term limits is an “amazing thing,” and she likes the idea of tariffs on companies in America that send out their products for cheaper labor. “I don’t think all people who voted for Hillary are liberal snobs. I am 100% for gay marriage. That is not why I voted for Trump,” she says. And, she adds, “it is awesome that a woman successfully ran Trump’s campaign.”

I was talking about voters and the two I named were from Time mag. of all places.
Originally Posted by Old_Toot
Originally Posted by hatari
Schultz will never be allowed to get the nomination. Dems don't like ousiders they can't control Schultz is not spouting the new Party line. He will be targeted.

Independent run, hatari ?

Then you would have your Perot scenario. We could never be so lucky.
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Ashlyn Boyd 22, Perry, Mich.

A lot of Boyd’s friends don’t know she voted for Trump. Most supported Clinton, she says. But Boyd, who went to cosmetology school during high school, had other concerns. Obamacare looked good on paper but was unaffordable for her family. Her three-year-old son will soon be in school, and she opposes Common Core. She thinks Trump’s idea of term limits is an “amazing thing,” and she likes the idea of tariffs on companies in America that send out their products for cheaper labor. “I don’t think all people who voted for Hillary are liberal snobs. I am 100% for gay marriage. That is not why I voted for Trump,” she says. And, she adds, “it is awesome that a woman successfully ran Trump’s campaign.”

I was talking about voters and the two I named were from Time mag. of all places.

You've got a strong point with grass roots conversions.
Originally Posted by irfubar
My father in law is an old union Democrat that believed the republicans were the party of the rich and Dem's were for the working man. After 8 yrs of Obama and Trump getting elected he has finally seen the light and hates Dem's now.
He is a stubborn old goat and if he can change sides I believe there is hope many of theses yankee union Dem's can also....

He thinks Trump is great..... so there is hope for people like Curdog 45/70..... wink

I was willing to be convinced after he got the nomination that Trump was who y’all thought he was . He seemed to me to be a more or less typical NYC blowhard with enough Liberal tendencies to be scary to a single issue voter like me.

I’ve stated several times on this forum that getting all wrapped up in the political intrigues of BOTH major parties is akin to paying your entry fee for a rigged contest. The only way our individual votes can have any impact is to pick out ONE issue and vote based on that.You should not choose taxes or deficit spending as your issue. In fact, you should not pick any issue that can be quantified since both sides can make numbers dance to their tune.

The 2A or Abortion make make excellent single issues since they are fairly clear cut, at least in comparison most other issues.

I chose the 2A as my issue decades ago and have never wavered on it. Cruz had the strongest 2A credentials of all the 2016 candidates so I supported him in the primaries. It really is that simple.

So, your FIL can find something about Trump to make him start supporting him. Everything I’ve seen and heard from Trump points to my original concerns about him being justified, so I’ll stay with my original assessment.

Those of us who were adults in the ‘ sixties and saw the pendulum swinging ever more in the direction of outright confiscation of firearms will have a different mindset than those who only know of it as history taught by right wingers. Thankfully, that movement was reversed at the State levels....no thanks to the Feds.

Any nudge of the pendulum back in the wrong direction..like bump stocks and red flag laws.... should result in outrage by the gun community.

All I hear is MAGA.
Could Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez be the death of the Democrat party?

Lord God I hope so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A O-C is staying in the spotlight, drawing attention with the willing complicity of the MSM.

If she just towed the mainstream DNC line she would disappear from the public eye the same as any other Junior Member of Congress.

A saving grace of American politics in my lifetime has been that most twenty-somethings do not vote, A O-C will definitely increase that voting margin to some degree. Her job until November of 2020 is gonna be to stay in the spotlight saying the exact same sort of things she has been.

Never forget Hilary actually won the popular vote in this last go-round.
Originally Posted by curdog4570
Originally Posted by irfubar
My father in law is an old union Democrat that believed the republicans were the party of the rich and Dem's were for the working man. After 8 yrs of Obama and Trump getting elected he has finally seen the light and hates Dem's now.
He is a stubborn old goat and if he can change sides I believe there is hope many of theses yankee union Dem's can also....

He thinks Trump is great..... so there is hope for people like Curdog 45/70..... wink

I was willing to be convinced after he got the nomination that Trump was who y’all thought he was . He seemed to me to be a more or less typical NYC blowhard with enough Liberal tendencies to be scary to a single issue voter like me.

I’ve stated several times on this forum that getting all wrapped up in the political intrigues of BOTH major parties is akin to paying your entry fee for a rigged contest. The only way our individual votes can have any impact is to pick out ONE issue and vote based on that.You should not choose taxes or deficit spending as your issue. In fact, you should not pick any issue that can be quantified since both sides can make numbers dance to their tune.

The 2A or Abortion make make excellent single issues since they are fairly clear cut, at least in comparison most other issues.

I chose the 2A as my issue decades ago and have never wavered on it. Cruz had the strongest 2A credentials of all the 2016 candidates so I supported him in the primaries. It really is that simple.

So, your FIL can find something about Trump to make him start supporting him. Everything I’ve seen and heard from Trump points to my original concerns about him being justified, so I’ll stay with my original assessment.

Those of us who were adults in the ‘ sixties and saw the pendulum swinging ever more in the direction of outright confiscation of firearms will have a different mindset than those who only know of it as history taught by right wingers. Thankfully, that movement was reversed at the State levels....no thanks to the Feds.

Any nudge of the pendulum back in the wrong direction..like bump stocks and red flag laws.... should result in outrage by the gun community.

All I hear is MAGA.

How was Trump's victory a rigged contest ?
Bill and Hillary Cllinton ended the D party. It has kept the name but is not the same. It has since been the misnamed communist party.
Originally Posted by hatari
Originally Posted by Old_Toot
Originally Posted by hatari
Schultz will never be allowed to get the nomination. Dems don't like ousiders they can't control Schultz is not spouting the new Party line. He will be targeted.

Independent run, hatari ?

Then you would have your Perot scenario. We could never be so lucky.

Perot drew from both sides and so will the Starbucks guy if he runs. Only 40% of the electorate like Trump. Y’all need to keep that foremost in your minds. That number has wavered very little in the last two years. Give people an alternative to Trump or the likely Dem nominee, like Shultz and well have a POTUS elected with only 43% of the popular vote.....like Clinton iirc.
Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
A O-C is staying in the spotlight, drawing attention with the willing complicity of the MSM.

If she just towed the mainstream DNC line she would disappear from the public eye the same as any other Junior Member of Congress.

A saving grace of American politics in my lifetime has been that most twenty-somethings do not vote, A O-C will definitely increase that voting margin to some degree. Her job until November of 2020 is gonna be to stay in the spotlight saying the exact same sort of things she has been.

Never forget Hilary actually won the popular vote in this last go-round.

I blame the left wing media for giving Hilary the popular vote. Would not have happened in a fair fight.

The free-ride crowd is huge but they do not yet have the numbers to win a fair fight.
She’s enjoying her 15 minutes of fame right now & the MSM loves her because she’s never shy about spouting something ridiculous. Notice how she wore bright red lipstick and a tight low cut top to the SOTU speech, classic “look at me” attention whoring meant to make use of the fact she’s young & got big boobs, basically acting no different than any other 20 something girl ready to hit the clubs looking for attention on Saturday night.

It’ll take a year or so but she’ll fall by the wayside because she’s an intellectual midget. The MSM can only cover try to hide that for so long before they’ll tire of it.
Lay Trump aside temporarily. Think R party or D party. Consider that both of them owe their existence to the other. In D.C. you owe your first allegiance to your party and your second allegiance to the “ other “ party.

When I spoke of the game being rigged, I’m talking about governance, not elections. Each side will do their damnest to rig an election, of course, but they likely cancel each other out on that score.

But neither side wants to prevail on the issues that separate the electorate. The game would be over then and it’s the game that’s making them individually wealthy.
Originally Posted by Old_Toot
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by Old_Toot
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by Bristoe
If what the Democratic Party has shown already hasn't chased the Blur Dog Democrats to the GOP, nothing will.

The Blue Dog democrats are still out there. Don't know how many are hanging in there hoping for better days. And voting GOP these days.

Never hear about them on the Left Wing News. They helped put Trump in the White House. We could sure use their help again.

Bows,,,,,name them, please.

I would never name them even if I could.

Could or would ? Can't or ain't ?

I'm saying,,,,they ain't there,,at all. Unless, of course, if you'll name them.

It is easy to espouse socialism when you are a billionaire.

But how can you forget it was capitalism that allowed you to build your wealth?

I just don't get the mindset.
Originally Posted by Seafire
Originally Posted by Armednfree
It seems like clear battle lines are being drawn. I can't see how conservative Democrats would be able to stay in that camp. I can't see how middle of the road independents will side with Democrats.

Just how strong is that crybaby puzzy azz millennial crowd? We look at the millenial generation as a bunch of self entitled wussies, but what percentage really are?

Don't leave out those three Muslim Clueless bimbos either....

The USA used to be a melting pot, but by the sounds of it, that is no longer true. Only a riding with a large Muslim enclave, with the help of unthinking idiots who vote Democrat because the family always has, or Trump is too mean, vote for a Muslim.

The funny thing is, why would Muslims vote for a woman? That runs contrary to the behavior we see in Saudi Arabia etc.
Originally Posted by AB2506
Originally Posted by Seafire
Originally Posted by Armednfree
It seems like clear battle lines are being drawn. I can't see how conservative Democrats would be able to stay in that camp. I can't see how middle of the road independents will side with Democrats.

Just how strong is that crybaby puzzy azz millennial crowd? We look at the millenial generation as a bunch of self entitled wussies, but what percentage really are?

Don't leave out those three Muslim Clueless bimbos either....

The USA used to be a melting pot,

It was a melting pot for western europeans. The Founding Fathers never intended for it to be a receptacle for every wog on the planet.
Rotting Zombies can't be killed, but the rot progresses. (inappropriate word, in this context)
Originally Posted by FatCity67
Originally Posted by Pappy348
More of interest to me is whether she can eat an apple through a chainlink fence.

[Linked Image]


A horse is a horse, of course, of course.....
Originally Posted by MontanaMan
Originally Posted by Boarmaster123
Originally Posted by Ghostinthemachine
So many low iq brown invaders will keep the dems in fine shape...

The country is poised for a hard left turn imo. Demographics are everything. White folk should be alarmed but most are like the frog that slowly gets boiled to death.

This right here. Depending on where or how you live determines your ability to see this happening.

Originally Posted by Boarmaster123
Originally Posted by Ghostinthemachine
So many low iq brown invaders will keep the dems in fine shape...

The country is poised for a hard left turn imo. Demographics are everything. White folk should be alarmed but most are like the frog that slowly gets boiled to death.

This right here. Depending on where or how you live determines your ability to see this happening.



Unless things change, white birthing rate will be the death of conservatism.
Originally Posted by Pappy348
Originally Posted by FatCity67
Originally Posted by Pappy348
More of interest to me is whether she can eat an apple through a chainlink fence.

[Linked Image]


A horse is a horse, of course, of course.....

Scary. smile
The Democrat Party and it's way of dividing people up into specific groups, by creating victims, is directly responsible for people like Cortez. The party couldn't survive without them because they have become the voter base. Whereas the Democrat voter base was once the working class White man, they tossed him aside in favor of minorities, women, queers, perverts, weirdos, and anyone else who viewed themselves as being "different."

She might not take over the party, but without her and her kind, the Democrats can't survive.
Originally Posted by curdog4570
Lay Trump aside temporarily. Think R party or D party. Consider that both of them owe their existence to the other. In D.C. you owe your first allegiance to your party and your second allegiance to the “ other “ party.

When I spoke of the game being rigged, I’m talking about governance, not elections. Each side will do their damnest to rig an election, of course, but they likely cancel each other out on that score.

But neither side wants to prevail on the issues that separate the electorate. The game would be over then and it’s the game that’s making them individually wealthy.

The governance part you speak of brings to mind that fuggin Paul Ryan.

I don’t see how anyone can conclude that Trump is a Republican. He’s anything but that and has caused both sides of the “governance committee “ to show their hand. I don’t see a Cruz or any other Politico in today’s world that could or would do that. We needed clear, distinct political lines drawn for the non believers to plainly see and Trump did just that, I.e., fish or cut bait.

His forthrightness caused the cockroaches to come out of the dark. No other that was a candidate in2016 was even capable of eliciting that. None.

But, like you, I have concerns for the 2A going forward.
Well said OT, but by Nov 16 there wasn't really any option but DJT[actually by mid-spring 16].

Keep D.C. turned upside down and keep shaking, there's plenty of cockroaches still there.
[Linked Image]
this is the kind of nonsense you're going to see stemming from her "new green deal"

I think you are correct in all you say. But I think the 2A would have been in better hands with a President other than Trump. I shudder at the thought of Hillary, but if a Dem went after guns, the Repubs would unite against it.

Trump can give up our rights and you won’t hear a whimper from either party.

Would the Repubs dare go after a Democrat who wanted to outlaw abortion?
Anything that brings the death of the party of traitors is good.

Sledge hammers.
flame throwers.
claw hammers
Orbital sanders.
banana peels
Tire Irons.
sharp sticks

I don't care how it happens as long as it happens.
Originally Posted by curdog4570
I think you are correct in all you say. But I think the 2A would have been in better hands with a President other than Trump. I shudder at the thought of Hillary, but if a Dem went after guns, the Repubs would unite against it.

Trump can give up our rights and you won’t hear a whimper from either party.

Would the Repubs dare go after a Democrat who wanted to outlaw abortion?

Curdog I could well be 180 degrees wrong but I feel the chit would hit the fan did the republicans and trump, say, sign the ‘crazies with guns ‘ bill. But , yet to be seen. He’s damn sure walking a thin line with that and bump stocks.

But he’s the only game in town for us.

This is kinda like the poker player who was asked why he played poker with that gang as they were known cheaters and card sharps. His reply: cause it’s the only game in town.

That’s us, btw.
She’s the next Bernie Sanders. Young idiots will latch onto her and her ideology.
republicans were the party of the rich and Dem's were for the working man

one of the greatest lies ever told; right up there with conservative democrat laugh
I think she's going to be the death of something. I'm not sure exactly what, though. That level of political power, in delusional denial of reality, cause and effect, and consequences is incredibly dangerous to all, friend and foe.

I learned in my 20’s that being a single issue voter is not very intelligent way to live my life as an American citizen.

I’ll choose someone with the foresight to pick good SCOTUS candidates and enforcing our borders and immigration laws over an open borders pretend pro 2nd amendment open borders candidate whose wife works for a globalist bank ( making millions a year) who supports the abolishment of all firearms ownership.

Some never learn

Originally Posted by curdog4570
Originally Posted by irfubar
My father in law is an old union Democrat that believed the republicans were the party of the rich and Dem's were for the working man. After 8 yrs of Obama and Trump getting elected he has finally seen the light and hates Dem's now.
He is a stubborn old goat and if he can change sides I believe there is hope many of theses yankee union Dem's can also....

He thinks Trump is great..... so there is hope for people like Curdog 45/70..... wink

I was willing to be convinced after he got the nomination that Trump was who y’all thought he was . He seemed to me to be a more or less typical NYC blowhard with enough Liberal tendencies to be scary to a single issue voter like me.

I’ve stated several times on this forum that getting all wrapped up in the political intrigues of BOTH major parties is akin to paying your entry fee for a rigged contest. The only way our individual votes can have any impact is to pick out ONE issue and vote based on that.You should not choose taxes or deficit spending as your issue. In fact, you should not pick any issue that can be quantified since both sides can make numbers dance to their tune.

The 2A or Abortion make make excellent single issues since they are fairly clear cut, at least in comparison most other issues.

I chose the 2A as my issue decades ago and have never wavered on it. Cruz had the strongest 2A credentials of all the 2016 candidates so I supported him in the primaries. It really is that simple.

So, your FIL can find something about Trump to make him start supporting him. Everything I’ve seen and heard from Trump points to my original concerns about him being justified, so I’ll stay with my original assessment.

Those of us who were adults in the ‘ sixties and saw the pendulum swinging ever more in the direction of outright confiscation of firearms will have a different mindset than those who only know of it as history taught by right wingers. Thankfully, that movement was reversed at the State levels....no thanks to the Feds.

Any nudge of the pendulum back in the wrong direction..like bump stocks and red flag laws.... should result in outrage by the gun community.

All I hear is MAGA.

I learned in my 20’s that being a single issue voter is not very intelligent way to live my life as an American citizen.

What issues are your main concerns?
To the OP's original question, "Could Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez be the death of the Democrat party?"

I answer, "One can only hope."
She is sinking the Democratic party as far as winning a national election. She has them so rattled that every presidential candidate so far has come out touting crazy far left ideas that are sure losers in a Presidential election. You still have to win the independents and middle to win the Presidency. The craziness she is pushing is going to turn those voters off. The longer she has the list of hopefuls clamoring for Medicare for all and the rest of the pie in the sky, the Dems are screwed.
Originally Posted by COSteve
To the OP's original question, "Could Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez be the death of the Democrat party?"

I answer, "One can only hope."

If the Dems are ended they’ll be replaced with flat-out socialists. Right now you have enough division that Pelosi will clap for Trump saying we’ll never be a socialist nation while Bernie & AOC seath with rage. We also have a Dem party genuinely afraid of a centrist like Schultz. Let’s hope they don’t go away as it’d signal a sizable shift left if you can believe that.

Cortez & her ilk are just the logical progression of a party headed hard Left. I don’t know what is more scary; her faction or that of the intersectionalists under Harris.
I hate to say it, but I think the media is right, ' She is the demonratic party of the future.
Originally Posted by deflave
She exposed herself for what she is last night. An absolute clown.

Hope she likes her current gig because it's the highest she'll ever go.

I hope you're right,
I fear you're not !
Originally Posted by keith_dunlap
Originally Posted by deflave
She exposed herself for what she is last night. An absolute clown.

Hope she likes her current gig because it's the highest she'll ever go.

I hope you're right,
I fear you're not !

Yeah, she’s the new face of the democrat party aimed at the millennial group. She’ll be put in charm school and will be very palatable to many in just a few short years.
Originally Posted by rem141r
There's two main types of people in this country.

1 - Those that want the American Dream and are willing to work for it.

2 - Those that want free stuff with as little effort as possible and are willing to be led around by the nose.

Her and her ilk resonate with the #2 crowd. Unfortunately the values and morals being instilled in a lot of people raised in the past 40 years are more in line with them. I fear we are doomed, sooner or later. Might take a couple/few generations but America will most likely turn into Europe at some point and then degrade into Venezuela. Sounds far fetched but that is what I see. I fear for my kids and grandkids future with the media, education and political parties all aligned against what made this country great in the first place.

Well said Sir!
Originally Posted by Old_Toot
Originally Posted by keith_dunlap
Originally Posted by deflave
She exposed herself for what she is last night. An absolute clown.

Hope she likes her current gig because it's the highest she'll ever go.

I hope you're right,
I fear you're not !

Yeah, she’s the new face of the democrat party aimed at the millennial group. She’ll be put in charm school and will be very palatable to many in just a few short years.

She’ll inch the Dem party leftward with her hyperbolic commie left wing rhetoric so in a few years the same rhetoric will seem reasonable . Linguistic imprinting on the idiots that vote . Obama was a master at this.

Idiots like Northman jeffo piddler will continue to praise her

She’ll end with a multi million dollar msnbc contract in a few years

Not bad for a part time lazy uneducated barista whole stole co workers’ tips and became a political star like Obama who is making millions of dollars now due to the ignorance of the American citizens.

Is she an idiot? Yes intellectually but a useful puppet for brain dead idiots like Northman. Jeffo piddles etc
Originally Posted by Tyrone
Originally Posted by JamesJr
It's not so much as Democrats like Cortez that worry me, as it is the 50% of Americans that voted for Hillary Clinton. These are the dangerous ones, because they don't care what direction the country takes, just as long as they can get free healthcare, food stamps, education, abortions, housing, preferential hiring at jobs, and every other freebie that comes down the pike.

I hate to say it, but if it weren't for abortion we would have been run over by now.

You didn’t “ learn “ anything. You bought a ticket to the game. You go from one shiny object to another and regurgitate whatever crap Trump fills you with. You buy his ideas then buy his excuses.

Cruz and Rand Paul ...just to mention two of the 2016 candidates.... are known quantities as far as the 2A is concerned and would have nominated the SC Justices recvomended by the SJC just as Trump did.

Your interests would be better served by becoming a single issue voter.
anything that kills the Democratic and Socialist party is good
Politico had a pretty good aritcle about here I just read

She was sponsored by a group called Justice Democrats. They were all in on Bernie and once they realized Bernie couldn't win they started targeted more localized candidates. Cortez was the only one they backed that won.

Their approach is to interject a moral viewpoint into a platform issue to make it a stark radical choice and hope it resonates with the voter - such as if you are a climate change denier then you are responsible for the deaths of people who have died due to floods, famine, wildfire - whatever they can attach to it

or if you are for immigration control then you support tearing families apart.

They position everything as black and white.
Interesting 2A debate going on. Interesting on how people collect information and formulate opinions. I was at the Dallas Safari Club 3 weeks ago. I talked to two notable people about Trump and his 2A stance.

The first was Col. Allen West. He's an impressive no bullcrap man. He is 100% certain that Trump will stand strong on 2A, and when I questioned the bump stock thing, West assured me that is a political throw away that could and probably will die in court as soon as someone wants to challenge it. Because a bump stock requires the trigger to be actuated with each firing, it is no different that pulling the trigger quickly. His words. Says it is obvious to him the wording in the XO was made to be defeated. It affects virtually no one, can be successfully challenged in court setting precedence, and takes the issue out of the Democrats hands all the while allowing Trump to say to detractors he acted on senseless gun violence.

Next person I talked to on the subject was Donald Trump Jr. Yes, he was there Thursday of the show. First of all, to show up at DSC in support of hunting and 2A is major sign of support with the hunting/shooting industry being a major target of the Left. Don Jr. is a big hunter and 2A advocate, and assured everyone that Sr. is too, or otherwise Jr. wouldn't be supporting such causes with such a high profile or enthusiasm.

Now, you can dismiss this a playing politics if you wish, but these two guys showed up in the lion's den, walked amongst the crowd, took pictures, answered questions, and truly looked to be enjoying themselves. They were there showing support for hunting and shooting. They both assured me and others that the White House stands with them. So what is more likely? DJT sends his son to DSC to bullschitt everyone there, or that he's a supporter?

#Neversatisfied crowd would have just be jaded and shrug this off as empty rhetoric. I'm waiting for "He lied about the Wall too!". All the while, Trump continues to fight the Dems to get it. The #Neversatisfied are pissed that all 2000 miles of aren't built yet, therefore we've been betrayed. That sort of malarky.

I am not worried about Trump taking my 2A rights. I AM worried that should Trump not get re-elect that CHUCK SCHUMER damn sure will come after them! Which is more likely, Schumer or Trump gets the guns? Schumer has been doing it for 30+ years. Let's say Schumer has a Dem President, House and Senate, who's getting your guns in 2021? It won't be DJT!

Time to worry about real threats, and not those imagined or dreamed up from fretful paranoia.
a moral viewpoint into a platform issue to make it a stark radical choice and hope it resonates

so lie and hope they fall for it grin
Originally Posted by Old_Toot

Yeah, she’s the new face of the democrat party aimed at the millennial group. She’ll be put in charm school and will be very palatable to many in just a few short years.

She's a nothing. IQ of a French poodle. Her 15 minutes of fame will come and go just like Cynthia McKinney did.


If you want to be concerned about the next dangerous Dem, look at Gavin Newsmen. He's building his resumé. He'll take Feinstein's Senate seat and will be more radical, just like Kamala is worse than Barbara Boxer (and not as smart). Newsome wants to be President and is a slimy clever bastard. Beware!
Originally Posted by curdog4570
Originally Posted by irfubar
My father in law is an old union Democrat that believed the republicans were the party of the rich and Dem's were for the working man. After 8 yrs of Obama and Trump getting elected he has finally seen the light and hates Dem's now.
He is a stubborn old goat and if he can change sides I believe there is hope many of theses yankee union Dem's can also....

He thinks Trump is great..... so there is hope for people like Curdog 45/70..... wink

I was willing to be convinced after he got the nomination that Trump was who y’all thought he was . He seemed to me to be a more or less typical NYC blowhard with enough Liberal tendencies to be scary to a single issue voter like me.

I’ve stated several times on this forum that getting all wrapped up in the political intrigues of BOTH major parties is akin to paying your entry fee for a rigged contest. The only way our individual votes can have any impact is to pick out ONE issue and vote based on that.You should not choose taxes or deficit spending as your issue. In fact, you should not pick any issue that can be quantified since both sides can make numbers dance to their tune.

The 2A or Abortion make make excellent single issues since they are fairly clear cut, at least in comparison most other issues.

I chose the 2A as my issue decades ago and have never wavered on it. Cruz had the strongest 2A credentials of all the 2016 candidates so I supported him in the primaries. It really is that simple.

So, your FIL can find something about Trump to make him start supporting him. Everything I’ve seen and heard from Trump points to my original concerns about him being justified, so I’ll stay with my original assessment.

Those of us who were adults in the ‘ sixties and saw the pendulum swinging ever more in the direction of outright confiscation of firearms will have a different mindset than those who only know of it as history taught by right wingers. Thankfully, that movement was reversed at the State levels....no thanks to the Feds.

Any nudge of the pendulum back in the wrong direction..like bump stocks and red flag laws.... should result in outrage by the gun community.

All I hear is MAGA.

Yeah, unfortunately Cruz couldn't even win the phugking primary, so there is that.
The left, democrats, liberals, communist, socialist, and islamites, they want power and control of the people. They hate Americans, the Constitution, and the USA. They are enemies and traitors. Their agendas do not allow the Constitution to exist. There is no place in the Constitution or the USA for sharia law.
Originally Posted by hatari
Originally Posted by Old_Toot

Yeah, she’s the new face of the democrat party aimed at the millennial group. She’ll be put in charm school and will be very palatable to many in just a few short years.

She's a nothing. IQ of a French poodle. Her 15 minutes of fame will come and go just like Cynthia McKinney did.


If you want to be concerned about the next dangerous Dem, look at Gavin Newsmen. He's building his resumé. He'll take Feinstein's Senate seat and will be more radical, just like Kamala is worse than Barbara Boxer (and not as smart). Newsome wants to be President and is a slimy clever bastard. Beware!

Time will tell but beware the millennial vote.

You’re right about Newsome.
Originally Posted by mtnsnake
The left, democrats, liberals, communist, socialist, and islamites, they want power and control of the people. They hate Americans, the Constitution, and the USA. They are enemies and traitors. Their agendas do not allow the Constitution to exist. There is no place in the Constitution or the USA for sharia law.

I've heard that somewhere before...
Yeah, unfortunately Cruz couldn't even win the phugking primary, so there is that.

Probably because of his voting record.
Originally Posted by Old_Toot
Originally Posted by hatari
Originally Posted by Old_Toot

Yeah, she’s the new face of the democrat party aimed at the millennial group. She’ll be put in charm school and will be very palatable to many in just a few short years.

She's a nothing. IQ of a French poodle. Her 15 minutes of fame will come and go just like Cynthia McKinney did.


If you want to be concerned about the next dangerous Dem, look at Gavin Newsmen. He's building his resumé. He'll take Feinstein's Senate seat and will be more radical, just like Kamala is worse than Barbara Boxer (and not as smart). Newsome wants to be President and is a slimy clever bastard. Beware!

Time will tell but beware the millennial vote.

You’re right about Newsome.

I hear ya on both accounts.
“Cruz and Rand Paul ...just to mention two of the 2016 candidates.... are known quantities as far as the 2A is concerned and would have nominated the SC Justices recvomended by the SJC just as Trump did.”

Is that why they stood sucking their thumbs the last 2 years only to introduce the HPA after democrats took control? Sorry but your idols aren’t nearly as pro 2nd as I wish they were and you believe they are.

Known quantities are comforting for those satisfied with ineffective government and those that don’t have any reasonable expectations of anything getting done other than endless bullish.it lip service. Trump was elected because the “known quantities” suck ass and we’re sick of the known quantity status quo. Don’t get me wrong, there’s far worse politicians than Canadian Cruz or Rand Paul but they’re not exactly the second coming, they’re politicians that thrive in gridlock. 😉
No way. People love her.

[Linked Image]
Originally Posted by blanket
anything that kills the Democratic and Socialist party is good

That's true, but Cortez is just the tip of the iceberg. We're going to see more like her, as the Democrats lean more and more to the Left. They're not going away. If anything, they'll just keep getting stronger. People are like sheep, they can be willingly led to the slaughter.
Are you kidding? With guys around as stupid as diddler, jello, djs, callnum, sickermore, la Roy, etc?
It is cause for concern that supporters of a Republican President are compelled to defend his statements about firearms on a pro gun website. His troubling statements about bump stocks and red flag laws were completely voluntary and likely to mirror his thinking exactly.
Originally Posted by 280shooter
Originally Posted by curdog4570
Originally Posted by irfubar
My father in law is an old union Democrat that believed the republicans were the party of the rich and Dem's were for the working man. After 8 yrs of Obama and Trump getting elected he has finally seen the light and hates Dem's now.
He is a stubborn old goat and if he can change sides I believe there is hope many of theses yankee union Dem's can also....

He thinks Trump is great..... so there is hope for people like Curdog 45/70..... wink

I was willing to be convinced after he got the nomination that Trump was who y’all thought he was . He seemed to me to be a more or less typical NYC blowhard with enough Liberal tendencies to be scary to a single issue voter like me.

I’ve stated several times on this forum that getting all wrapped up in the political intrigues of BOTH major parties is akin to paying your entry fee for a rigged contest. The only way our individual votes can have any impact is to pick out ONE issue and vote based on that.You should not choose taxes or deficit spending as your issue. In fact, you should not pick any issue that can be quantified since both sides can make numbers dance to their tune.

The 2A or Abortion make make excellent single issues since they are fairly clear cut, at least in comparison most other issues.

I chose the 2A as my issue decades ago and have never wavered on it. Cruz had the strongest 2A credentials of all the 2016 candidates so I supported him in the primaries. It really is that simple.

So, your FIL can find something about Trump to make him start supporting him. Everything I’ve seen and heard from Trump points to my original concerns about him being justified, so I’ll stay with my original assessment.

Those of us who were adults in the ‘ sixties and saw the pendulum swinging ever more in the direction of outright confiscation of firearms will have a different mindset than those who only know of it as history taught by right wingers. Thankfully, that movement was reversed at the State levels....no thanks to the Feds.

Any nudge of the pendulum back in the wrong direction..like bump stocks and red flag laws.... should result in outrage by the gun community.

All I hear is MAGA.

Yeah, unfortunately Cruz couldn't even win the phugking primary, so there is that.

to say nothing of being able to beat klinton.
Originally Posted by curdog4570
It is cause for concern that supporters of a Republican President are compelled to defend his statements about firearms on a pro gun website. His troubling statements about bump stocks and red flag laws were completely voluntary and likely to mirror his thinking exactly.

guess you'll be voting dem next time ?
This country is in a sad state of affairs. These young idiots that have never had to work for anything are of legal age to vote. And they do vote socialist. We are the dying party sad to say. We will be overrun in the next ten years. Only saving grace is that Mr. Trump is loading the courts.
I sure do wish some of y’all had learned to read as well as write.

It would save you a bunch of guessing and reduce the number of stupid posts on this forum.
Says the pot.
Originally Posted by rainshot
Says the pot.

With 23,673 examples on display.
AOC = Aggressive Ignorance. When you don't have a clue what you're talking about, say it louder.
Originally Posted by Old_Toot
Originally Posted by curdog4570
Originally Posted by irfubar
My father in law is an old union Democrat that believed the republicans were the party of the rich and Dem's were for the working man. After 8 yrs of Obama and Trump getting elected he has finally seen the light and hates Dem's now.
He is a stubborn old goat and if he can change sides I believe there is hope many of theses yankee union Dem's can also....

He thinks Trump is great..... so there is hope for people like Curdog 45/70..... wink

I was willing to be convinced after he got the nomination that Trump was who y’all thought he was . He seemed to me to be a more or less typical NYC blowhard with enough Liberal tendencies to be scary to a single issue voter like me.

I’ve stated several times on this forum that getting all wrapped up in the political intrigues of BOTH major parties is akin to paying your entry fee for a rigged contest. The only way our individual votes can have any impact is to pick out ONE issue and vote based on that.You should not choose taxes or deficit spending as your issue. In fact, you should not pick any issue that can be quantified since both sides can make numbers dance to their tune.

The 2A or Abortion make make excellent single issues since they are fairly clear cut, at least in comparison most other issues.

I chose the 2A as my issue decades ago and have never wavered on it. Cruz had the strongest 2A credentials of all the 2016 candidates so I supported him in the primaries. It really is that simple.

So, your FIL can find something about Trump to make him start supporting him. Everything I’ve seen and heard from Trump points to my original concerns about him being justified, so I’ll stay with my original assessment.

Those of us who were adults in the ‘ sixties and saw the pendulum swinging ever more in the direction of outright confiscation of firearms will have a different mindset than those who only know of it as history taught by right wingers. Thankfully, that movement was reversed at the State levels....no thanks to the Feds.

Any nudge of the pendulum back in the wrong direction..like bump stocks and red flag laws.... should result in outrage by the gun community.

All I hear is MAGA.

How was Trump's victory a rigged contest ?

OT, he's full of schit.
Originally Posted by hatari
Originally Posted by rainshot
Says the pot.

With 23,673 examples on display.

Ignorance knows no bounds. If he’d shut the fugg up and just listen he might learn something.
Most afflicted with this head in ass disease never recover.
Originally Posted by hatari
I've opined several times that the Dems have a serious internal struggle for control of the heart of their Party. Nothing could illustrate that more than the Left embracing a nut case and such an unaccomplished persons as AOC while savaging an Old School Democratic classic Northeast Liberal in Howard Schultz.

This is the effect of 30 years of Identity Politics. For 30 years, the Dems have sought to expand their base by going to the radical fringes of American Society. Militant feminists, environmentalists, Vegans, LGBTxyz, the racists AA like Booker and Waters. The enemy of all these are Christian Whites, along with all of their values.

This is the effect of 25 years of the Clinton's controlling Clinton's Party. The Dems were run by the Kennedy's and the NE liberal elite for 35 years, until the Clintons came to town and brought Saul Alininsky with them. They attacked their enemies, destroyed them personally, and with their success, slowly pushed the Kennedy wing out of power.

They also suppressed the development of young talent in their Party. There was to be NO competition for Hillary when she ran for President. Amazingly, unknown Obama beat her. To make sure that did't happen again, the nominally ran Bernie the Crazy Commie, and to their dismay, found that their new fringe Party liked him about as much as HRC!

The Dems doubled down in effort to blunt the Trump offensive against them by running young, and radically Left opponents to grab the House, knowing that in an off year election, they could "buy" the House. They did it, and now what do they have?

They have a Party with aging leadership. Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders, Warren, Feinstein are all fossils. Their young guns - Harris, Booker, etc., are not in Washington because they are clever or bright, but because the Dems got them elected. It would have been the same if Abrams and/or Gillum had won the Gov seat in GA or FL. Neither candidate is very bright. I suppose what I'm saying is none of the young ones have political talent. They are not savvy.

Now the aging leadership has a problem. They've created this far Left monster that demands attention and wants to run the show right now. They are too naive to play hard ball politics at this point, and if they are allowed to drive the Dem bus, they will drive it off the cliff.

That is the internal fight the Dems have for the next 2-4 years.

Spot on. The Clintons gutted the Democratic party. And it's going to wreak havoc among them for the next decade. If we aren't careful (and somewhat lucky) the entire country is going to pay a heavy price for the Clintons' destruction of the Democratic party.
remember when you were 29?

This morning, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez released an overview of her “Green New Deal” which threatens "a massive transformation of our society."

Below are the details of the proposal.

Rebuild every single building in the U.S.

“Upgrade or replace every building in US for state-of-the-art energy efficiency.”

Will end all traditional forms of energy in the next ten years.

The Green New Deal is “a 10-year plan to mobilize every aspect of American society at a scale not seen since World War 2 to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.”

Plans to ban nuclear energy within 10 years if possible.

“It’s unclear if we will be able to decommission every nuclear plant within 10 years, but the plan is to transition off of nuclear and all fossil fuels as soon as possible.”

Build trains across oceans and end all air travel!

“Build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary”.

Don’t invest in new technology of Carbon Capture and Storage, just plant trees instead!

“We believe the right way to capture carbon is to plant trees and restore our natural ecosystems. CCUS technology to date has not proven effective.”

Mandates all new jobs be unionized.

“Ensure that all GND jobs are union jobs that pay prevailing wages and hire local.”

May include a carbon tax.

“We’re not ruling a carbon tax out, but a carbon tax would be a tiny part of a Green New Deal”

May include cap and trade.

“…Cap and trade may be a tiny part of the larger Green New Deal plan”

How much will it cost?

No estimate of the total cost of implementing the Green New deal is offered by Ocasio-Cortez.

However, as Ocasio-Cortez admits, “even if every billionaire and company came together and were willing to pour all the resources at their disposal into this investment, the aggregate value of the investments they could make would not be sufficient.”

She does provide one estimate that the cost to “repair and upgrade infrastructure U.S. infrastructure” alone will cost “$4.6 trillion at minimum”.

How will it be paid for? Don’t worry about that.

Ocasio-Cortez doesn’t provide any insight into how the trillions of dollars in spending will be paid for other than claiming, “The Federal Reserve can extend credit to power these projects and investments and new public banks can be created to extend credit”.

But as Ocasio-Cortez says, “the question isn’t how will we pay for it, but what will we do with our new shared prosperity”.
Curdog has developed a bad case of mangina itch..........
Air conditioners. How about air conditioners, man.
The new green deal will kill off the democrats.
'I'm mad, y'all!' Ocasio-Cortez wipes away a tear as she vows to defund ICE over death of 7-year-old migrant and claims Trump hates ALL immigrants – while saying Latinos can't be illegals because America is 'native land'
I love being lectured by someone who was schlepping drinks for tips a year ago, but now suddenly has all of the answers. She acts like she won the lottery and it included a brain. She will crash and burn spectacularly.
Originally Posted by KFWA

Plans to ban nuclear energy within 10 years if possible.

“It’s unclear if we will be able to decommission every nuclear plant within 10 years, but the plan is to transition off of nuclear and all fossil fuels as soon as possible.”

Build trains across oceans and end all air travel!

“Build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary”.

Ban the only viable truly pollution free source of energy we have.....brilliant.

Evidently this mental giant is unable to read a map. She looks at Europe and thinks since they have high speed rail then it'll work here. High speed rail tops out at around 200 mph, people in europe take high speed trains from Paris to Frankfurt which is 350 miles and between other cities of similar distance. I've ridden that line many times and it's about 4 hours. New York to Chicago is 800 miles which would mean about 9 hours on a high speed train. Coast to coast is 3000 miles which would be 30+ hours on a high speed train. They don't do 200 mph all the time. Ground all the planes and make everybody going from L.A. to New York take a train, yeah that's brilliant too.

The craziness coming from the left these days will get you upset if you let it.

I disconnect from all information every so often just to get away from it.
Originally Posted by KFWA
Build trains across oceans and end all air travel!“Build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary”..

Surely not?
Originally Posted by Toddly

Ignorance knows no bounds. If he’d shut the fugg up and just listen he might learn something.
Most afflicted with this head in ass disease never recover.

Let's play a game. Can you identify the poster on this thread with Negativistic Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder?

Negativistic personality disorder, also known as passive-aggressive disorder, is characterized by persistent pessimism and negative attitudes. People suffering from negativistic personality disorder usually appear to comply or act according to the various demands, but actually, he or she will behave negatively and will passively resist. These negativistic attitudes usually manifest as procrastination, dawdling, stubbornness, deliberate inefficiency, pretended forgetfulness and unreasonable criticism of people in authority. These self-destructive behaviors are often supported by statements like "good things don't last", "it doesn't pay to be good", "the future is behind me" and similar.

Negativistic Personality Disorder Symptoms

Persons with negativistic personality disorder usually appear contradictory and show inconsistent behavior.

All of the listed behaviors are commonly followed by strong resentment towards authority or other people who are in charge. People with negativistic personality disorder usually appear stubborn, very argumentative and sometimes even hostile to others. Essentially, these people have serious problems with authority, or with individuals that they believe have power over them. This is why people with negativistic personality avoid responsibility and constructive conversation by being easily offended or resentful to suggestions of others. These people are even prone to blaming other people for their faults.
Curdog 25/20? ....... wink
Originally Posted by KFWA
remember when you were 29?

This morning, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez released an overview of her “Green New Deal” which threatens "a massive transformation of our society."

Below are the details of the proposal.

Rebuild every single building in the U.S.

“Upgrade or replace every building in US for state-of-the-art energy efficiency.”

Will end all traditional forms of energy in the next ten years.

The Green New Deal is “a 10-year plan to mobilize every aspect of American society at a scale not seen since World War 2 to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.”

Plans to ban nuclear energy within 10 years if possible.

“It’s unclear if we will be able to decommission every nuclear plant within 10 years, but the plan is to transition off of nuclear and all fossil fuels as soon as possible.”

Build trains across oceans and end all air travel!

“Build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary”.

Don’t invest in new technology of Carbon Capture and Storage, just plant trees instead!

“We believe the right way to capture carbon is to plant trees and restore our natural ecosystems. CCUS technology to date has not proven effective.”

Mandates all new jobs be unionized.

“Ensure that all GND jobs are union jobs that pay prevailing wages and hire local.”

May include a carbon tax.

“We’re not ruling a carbon tax out, but a carbon tax would be a tiny part of a Green New Deal”

May include cap and trade.

“…Cap and trade may be a tiny part of the larger Green New Deal plan”

How much will it cost?

No estimate of the total cost of implementing the Green New deal is offered by Ocasio-Cortez.

However, as Ocasio-Cortez admits, “even if every billionaire and company came together and were willing to pour all the resources at their disposal into this investment, the aggregate value of the investments they could make would not be sufficient.”

She does provide one estimate that the cost to “repair and upgrade infrastructure U.S. infrastructure” alone will cost “$4.6 trillion at minimum”.

How will it be paid for? Don’t worry about that.

Ocasio-Cortez doesn’t provide any insight into how the trillions of dollars in spending will be paid for other than claiming, “The Federal Reserve can extend credit to power these projects and investments and new public banks can be created to extend credit”.

But as Ocasio-Cortez says, “the question isn’t how will we pay for it, but what will we do with our new shared prosperity”.

She is truly insane.
Originally Posted by curdog4570
I think you are correct in all you say. But I think the 2A would have been in better hands with a President other than Trump. I shudder at the thought of Hillary, but if a Dem went after guns, the Repubs would unite against it.

Trump can give up our rights and you won’t hear a whimper from either party.

Would the Repubs dare go after a Democrat who wanted to outlaw abortion?

We tried Texans a Presidents, this country would never survive another one. Get over it.
Originally Posted by pal
Originally Posted by KFWA
remember when you were 29?

This morning, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez released an overview of her “Green New Deal” which threatens "a massive transformation of our society."

Below are the details of the proposal.

Rebuild every single building in the U.S.

“Upgrade or replace every building in US for state-of-the-art energy efficiency.”

Will end all traditional forms of energy in the next ten years.

The Green New Deal is “a 10-year plan to mobilize every aspect of American society at a scale not seen since World War 2 to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.”

Plans to ban nuclear energy within 10 years if possible.

“It’s unclear if we will be able to decommission every nuclear plant within 10 years, but the plan is to transition off of nuclear and all fossil fuels as soon as possible.”

Build trains across oceans and end all air travel!

“Build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary”.

Don’t invest in new technology of Carbon Capture and Storage, just plant trees instead!

“We believe the right way to capture carbon is to plant trees and restore our natural ecosystems. CCUS technology to date has not proven effective.”

Mandates all new jobs be unionized.

“Ensure that all GND jobs are union jobs that pay prevailing wages and hire local.”

May include a carbon tax.

“We’re not ruling a carbon tax out, but a carbon tax would be a tiny part of a Green New Deal”

May include cap and trade.

“…Cap and trade may be a tiny part of the larger Green New Deal plan”

How much will it cost?

No estimate of the total cost of implementing the Green New deal is offered by Ocasio-Cortez.

However, as Ocasio-Cortez admits, “even if every billionaire and company came together and were willing to pour all the resources at their disposal into this investment, the aggregate value of the investments they could make would not be sufficient.”

She does provide one estimate that the cost to “repair and upgrade infrastructure U.S. infrastructure” alone will cost “$4.6 trillion at minimum”.

How will it be paid for? Don’t worry about that.

Ocasio-Cortez doesn’t provide any insight into how the trillions of dollars in spending will be paid for other than claiming, “The Federal Reserve can extend credit to power these projects and investments and new public banks can be created to extend credit”.

But as Ocasio-Cortez says, “the question isn’t how will we pay for it, but what will we do with our new shared prosperity”.

She is truly insane.

Yeah. She's like the new 'good idea fairy' of the left.

The innocence of ignorance. Plays well to the idiots.

Wait until she craps in the wrong rice bowl.
Originally Posted by keith_dunlap
Originally Posted by deflave
She exposed herself for what she is last night. An absolute clown.

Hope she likes her current gig because it's the highest she'll ever go.

I hope you're right,
I fear you're not !

Obama talked a lot of schitt that I thought would make him unelectable......I was wrong twice...…...bob
Originally Posted by MontanaMarine
...She's like the new 'good idea fairy' of the left...

Anything seems possible when you don't know what you're doing. (my sig line on another forum. smile )
Originally Posted by pal
Originally Posted by MontanaMarine
...She's like the new 'good idea fairy' of the left...

Anything seems possible when you don't know what you're doing. (my sig line on another forum. smile )

Maybe so but she’s getting a lot of air time
It is telling that some of you become practically irate that I bring up the subject of OUR 2A rights, You want to make ME the topic of conversation rather than addressing Donald Trump’s willingness to abrogate them.

I don’t have to brand y’all as phonies on the subject. You’ve branded yourselves.

Just as your Hero has branded himself as a phony on gun rights.

You can expect that I’ll keep on rubbing your faces in the truth about this topic so get used to it.
Originally Posted by boliep

Don't underestimate how stupid and easily manipulated the dimocrats really are.

Originally Posted by irfubar
Curdog 25/20? ....... wink

its more symptomatic of Mogen David 20-20 or "Mad Dog" , which is kinda like....never mind.
I fear that some handlers will get her under control . The media loves her even if she is dumb as a rock.

under control of the right people the left would go nuts.

Remember Barry.
Originally Posted by curdog4570
You can expect that I’ll keep on rubbing your faces in the truth about this topic so get used to it.

Cruz ate a booger on national TV

Cruz could not win any swing state

So let me remind your little whiny biotch ass

Your plan was to send Cruz to politely lose to Hillary

Ergo you wanted Hillary to win

That is the truth

And we never tire of your whining you sore loser. At this point you come off worse than the commie trolls on here. At least the commie trolls openly and honestly supported Hillary. Were I a commie, I would have loved Cruz in '16. Dude never had a chance to break 200 electoral votes.
You’ll talk about anything other than Trump and the 2A , won’t you?

Maybe you don’t like guns?

Snowflakes like you seem to think this Campfire Forum is your own personal safe space where you are never confronted with the truth.

Get used to it. It’s probably only gonna get worse for you.
I had a conversation with my brother in law yesterday. He is a life-long liberal who has hunted in the past but he has been an extremely progressive democrat. He came to the realization that the money that he had worked his whole life to earn with my sister(They are both teachers) would easily be redistributed to the socialists who were in this ilk. I didn't want to laugh but he had an "OH S5IT" moment was really pissed about this direction of the democratic Party. I just told him that I was glad that they weren't republicans.

I think that many of the liberal elite democrats and independents living in the suburbs are going to see this and if they don't support Howard Shultz that they will break in huge numbers for Trump.
I hope I live to see the day when all political parties die. The whole system is a con.
Originally Posted by curdog4570
You’ll talk about anything other than Trump and the 2A , won’t you?

Maybe you don’t like guns?

Snowflakes like you seem to think this Campfire Forum is your own personal safe space where you are never confronted with the truth.

Get used to it. It’s probably only gonna get worse for you.

Single issue voters that live in a one dimensional simplistic knee jerk world. Open borders Cruz barely re won his seat from some loser on a skateboard
Originally Posted by curdog4570
It is telling that some of you become practically irate that I bring up the subject of OUR 2A rights, You want to make ME the topic of conversation rather than addressing Donald Trump’s willingness to abrogate them.

I don’t have to brand y’all as phonies on the subject. You’ve branded yourselves.

Just as your Hero has branded himself as a phony on gun rights.

You can expect that I’ll keep on rubbing your faces in the truth about this topic so get used to it.

No, you are delusional. Many of us voted single issue - SCOTUS. You have to win to pick the justices. Cruz could not win. Perot could not win. You consistently side with the left. Your reasoning, such as it is, makes no phouking difference. You are still aligned with the left.
Originally Posted by 280shooter
Originally Posted by curdog4570
It is telling that some of you become practically irate that I bring up the subject of OUR 2A rights, You want to make ME the topic of conversation rather than addressing Donald Trump’s willingness to abrogate them.

I don’t have to brand y’all as phonies on the subject. You’ve branded yourselves.

Just as your Hero has branded himself as a phony on gun rights.

You can expect that I’ll keep on rubbing your faces in the truth about this topic so get used to it.

No, you are delusional. Many of us voted single issue - SCOTUS. You have to win to pick the justices. Cruz could not win. Perot could not win. You consistently side with the left. Your reasoning, such as it is, makes no phouking difference. You are still aligned with the left.

You brought up “ delusional “. Y’all are still talking about Cruz....he lost.

Trump is the one aligning himself with the Left by his stance on bump stocks, his rhetoric on red flag laws, and his nomination of a gun grabber for Attornry General.

You would be more honest if you just admit that the 2A is not very high on your priority list.

Or...condemn Trump for his duplicity on the issue while admitting he fooled you.

Accusing me of being a Democrat or leftist is ridiculous as well as dishonest since Im the one sticking up for the Constitution.
Originally Posted by curdog4570
Originally Posted by 280shooter
Originally Posted by curdog4570
It is telling that some of you become practically irate that I bring up the subject of OUR 2A rights, You want to make ME the topic of conversation rather than addressing Donald Trump’s willingness to abrogate them.

I don’t have to brand y’all as phonies on the subject. You’ve branded yourselves.

Just as your Hero has branded himself as a phony on gun rights.

You can expect that I’ll keep on rubbing your faces in the truth about this topic so get used to it.

No, you are delusional. Many of us voted single issue - SCOTUS. You have to win to pick the justices. Cruz could not win. Perot could not win. You consistently side with the left. Your reasoning, such as it is, makes no phouking difference. You are still aligned with the left.

You brought up “ delusional “. Y’all are still talking about Cruz....he lost.

Trump is the one aligning himself with the Left by his stance on bump stocks, his rhetoric on red flag laws, and his nomination of a gun grabber for Attornry General.

You would be more honest if you just admit that the 2A is not very high on your priority list.

Or...condemn Trump for his duplicity on the issue while admitting he fooled you.

Accusing me of being a Democrat or leftist is ridiculous as well as dishonest since Im the one sticking up for the Constitution.

I didn't accuse you of being a leftist, I accurately pointed out that your stance allies you with them. Makes no difference what you tell yourself, you are actively sided with the left in opposing Trump.
I voted for Trump because of SCOTUS. I had 2, only 2 viable options. Clinton or Trump. I'm not stupid enough to write-in or piss a vote away on 3rd party. That would be astronomically stupid, so I voted Trump. Guess what? 2 SCOTUS appointments so far and a 3rd coming. SCOTUS is much more important than a transient in the white house. I'll take that over pissing and moaning while offering up ZERO alternatives other than we should all have joined you in Delusionville when voting.
ANY Republican President would have been given the same list of names that Trump picked from and would very likely have made the same choices so he is due no points for that. I will admit, and have before, that he is to be commended for sticking with Kavanaugh when the going got rough.A couple or three on that stage might have deserted him.

If I was in the same boat as you, Hatari, etal, I’d be tempted to fast forward to the General Election where Hillary was the alternative just as y’all are doing. But I believe that I’d have to revisit the Primaries in my mind and admit that there were candidates on that stage who are genuinely committed to the 2A. Self deception ain’t my gig.

And I’m not delusional enough to take comfort by claiming only Trump could beat Hillary. He was the one who parroted that claim, along with saying he would put her in prison.
Originally Posted by curdog4570
And I’m not delusional enough to take comfort by claiming only Trump could beat Hillary.

If, I recall we had 4 choices on election day, Trump, the Libertarian ,the Green Party, and Hillary, So, who do you think could have beat Hillary on election day.

I, for one knew Trump was not the most ardent supporter of 2A, but on election day he was the best choice. Unfortunately, on election day it always come down to the lesser of the evils.

If you need comfort, take comfort, Hillary did not win.
Originally Posted by watch4bear
republicans were the party of the rich and Dem's were for the working man

one of the greatest lies ever told; right up there with conservative democrat laugh

Winner-Winner Chicken Dinner.
Originally Posted by efw
Originally Posted by COSteve
To the OP's original question, "Could Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez be the death of the Democrat party?"

I answer, "One can only hope."

If the Dems are ended they’ll be replaced with flat-out socialists. Right now you have enough division that Pelosi will clap for Trump saying we’ll never be a socialist nation while Bernie & AOC seath with rage. We also have a Dem party genuinely afraid of a centrist like Schultz. Let’s hope they don’t go away as it’d signal a sizable shift left if you can believe that.

Cortez & her ilk are just the logical progression of a party headed hard Left. I don’t know what is more scary; her faction or that of the intersectionalists under Harris.

Originally Posted by LouisB
I hate to say it, but I think the media is right, ' She is the demonratic party of the future.

She and her ilk, will not destroy the Democrat Party, the party will alway be, they will just gradually shift it further and further left.

The only difference between her and the old timers in the Democrat Party, is that she isn't afraid to hide what the Democrat party actually stands for now.
Originally Posted by AKA_Spook
Originally Posted by curdog4570
It is cause for concern that supporters of a Republican President are compelled to defend his statements about firearms on a pro gun website. His troubling statements about bump stocks and red flag laws were completely voluntary and likely to mirror his thinking exactly.

guess you'll be voting dem next time ?

Next time?
Ya mean again, right.
Originally Posted by Pat85
Originally Posted by curdog4570
I think you are correct in all you say. But I think the 2A would have been in better hands with a President other than Trump. I shudder at the thought of Hillary, but if a Dem went after guns, the Repubs would unite against it.

Trump can give up our rights and you won’t hear a whimper from either party.

Would the Repubs dare go after a Democrat who wanted to outlaw abortion?

We tried Texans a Presidents, this country would never survive another one. Get over it.

...and Negros, don't forget about the Negros.
Originally Posted by curdog4570
ANY Republican President would have been given the same list of names that Trump picked from and would very likely have made the same choices so he is due no points for that. I will admit, and have before, that he is to be commended for sticking with Kavanaugh when the going got rough.A couple or three on that stage might have deserted him.

If I was in the same boat as you, Hatari, etal, I’d be tempted to fast forward to the General Election where Hillary was the alternative just as y’all are doing. But I believe that I’d have to revisit the Primaries in my mind and admit that there were candidates on that stage who are genuinely committed to the 2A. Self deception ain’t my gig.

Better back up there a second, chief. I am on record many times here stating I voted for Cruz in my state's Primary. On paper, I favored his positions over the others. Cruz lost! Cruz turned out to have zero charisma and didn't connect with the voters. Cruz damn near lost his Senate seat to a Millennial lightweight because of his lack of charisma. Cruz is not President these days and Cruz is not the only thing standing between me and total Leftist chaos. Trump is.

So be careful with how you think you need to pigeonhole me.

With Cruz not winning the one thing I didn't become is pessimistic or bitter. I have not become a negativist. Instead, I have come to appreciate much of what Trump is doing for us: deregulation, trade, energy, foreign policy the SCOTUS are all fantastic examples. I am not a sore loser because my guy didn't win. I appreciate that he's a fighter, and the Right has had so few that will fight hard and dirty when needed. The Left has no problem fighting dirty, and the more success they have with Alinsky tactics, the more often they will turn to them. Trump has been able to fight those off better than anybody I've seen. People don't like it, but he'll fight fire with fire and has been successful. Look at how he has marginalized Elizabeth Warren, just like he did RINO Little Marco. Look at how Trump came out on top over the NFL and Colin Kaepernick's attention whore stunt. People are taking pride in standing for the Natinal Anthem once again. This is a Culture War victory. Some people won't acknowledge his victories, and just want to complain because they want to complain. See Negativistic Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder. Could help you out with other interpersonal relationships. My Good Samaritan tip of the day for you.

So you will throw Trump a backhanded compliment on sticking with Kavanaugh, but incessantly bitch and moan about him every day? (Problem with authority figures, chief?) Can you grasp the idea that no candidate can deliver even a majority of what they run on, because they have to work with Congress? Can you gather they are not absolute monarchs? Can you fathom that in Trump's case that he doesn't drop his battles like others? No wall yet doesn't mean "no wall ever"? Can you accept that that getting 20% of what you want now, 20% later and another 20% down the road means you get a majority of what you are after? Have you ever realized that the Dems will take that, and have been perfectly satisfied to take what they can get reach time they have power, and they advance their agenda?

The world has not come to an end, Trump hasn't taken you guns (better believe that Schumer will!) Trump is having one hell of fight over border security that he has not given up on, but the Dems have decided they will live or die on that hill with him.

So you say "self deception ain't my gig"? Looks like living in the past is. Cruz lost! Yeah, maybe a stronger 2A guy, but so was Charlton Heston. Heston is dead, and Cruz is not President and NEITHER ever will be. How long are you gonna cry over it? Why does this look like like how the Dems cryi over Hillary's loss? Yep, that's what you sound like. They just can't get over the disappointment that Hillary was beaten by Trump. They remain so disappointed that they want revenge on him. "Impeach! Obstruct! Resist!'. You seem to fit right into that philosophy.

Tell me, Mr. Hypercritical, what is that Trump has done to your 2A that has you all agitated. Bump stocks? First of all, I'm surprised they ever got by ATF regs to begin with. Second, I can do the same with a rubber band, and Trump has not outlawed those. Third, I can still get a CL III stamp and get FULLY AUTO! I refuse to get an ulcer over this piece of nothing regulation. If I want a selective fire Vietnam Era SP1 M16, I can have one. Nothing has changed. This is hardly a Nose of the Camel scenario, despite how some try to paint it. You talk like Trump doubled down on the the Gun Control Act of 1968 or something. You are fretting about what Trump might do, and are awash in paranoia over it. In the meantime, Chuck Schumer is a known quantity. That SOB will get the guns. Pelosi will get the guns. Kamala, Durban, Feinstein WILL get the guns. Worry about them.

Better yet, why don't you work to keep them, the obvious threat to the 2A out of power? Hmmm? You contribute any of your hard earned cash in races outside your probable safe District? Are you retired or have time to help a campaign elsewhere to keep Pelosi out of power? No? All too easy to point a finger than to lift one.

It is not Cruz that stands between us and them right now. Time to let it go and realize that this passive-aggressive stance toward Trump inches you closer to a world run by Chuck and Nancy. If that occurs, you will have plenty in actuality to worry about. You won't need to make potential scenarios up.

Originally Posted by hatari
Interesting 2A debate going on. Interesting on how people collect information and formulate opinions. I was at the Dallas Safari Club 3 weeks ago. I talked to two notable people about Trump and his 2A stance.

The first was Col. Allen West. He's an impressive no bullcrap man. He is 100% certain that Trump will stand strong on 2A, and when I questioned the bump stock thing, West assured me that is a political throw away that could and probably will die in court as soon as someone wants to challenge it. Because a bump stock requires the trigger to be actuated with each firing, it is no different that pulling the trigger quickly. His words. Says it is obvious to him the wording in the XO was made to be defeated. It affects virtually no one, can be successfully challenged in court setting precedence, and takes the issue out of the Democrats hands all the while allowing Trump to say to detractors he acted on senseless gun violence.

Next person I talked to on the subject was Donald Trump Jr. Yes, he was there Thursday of the show. First of all, to show up at DSC in support of hunting and 2A is major sign of support with the hunting/shooting industry being a major target of the Left. Don Jr. is a big hunter and 2A advocate, and assured everyone that Sr. is too, or otherwise Jr. wouldn't be supporting such causes with such a high profile or enthusiasm.

Now, you can dismiss this a playing politics if you wish, but these two guys showed up in the lion's den, walked amongst the crowd, took pictures, answered questions, and truly looked to be enjoying themselves. They were there showing support for hunting and shooting. They both assured me and others that the White House stands with them. So what is more likely? DJT sends his son to DSC to bullschitt everyone there, or that he's a supporter?

#Neversatisfied crowd would have just be jaded and shrug this off as empty rhetoric. I'm waiting for "He lied about the Wall too!". All the while, Trump continues to fight the Dems to get it. The #Neversatisfied are pissed that all 2000 miles of aren't built yet, therefore we've been betrayed. That sort of malarky.

I am not worried about Trump taking my 2A rights. I AM worried that should Trump not get re-elect that CHUCK SCHUMER damn sure will come after them! Which is more likely, Schumer or Trump gets the guns? Schumer has been doing it for 30+ years. Let's say Schumer has a Dem President, House and Senate, who's getting your guns in 2021? It won't be DJT!

Time to worry about real threats, and not those imagined or dreamed up from fretful paranoia.

But,but,but, President Trump's nominee for AG isn't pro gun, so that right there tells us that President Trump is Anti-Second Amendment and that he will take out guns away for sure. He might gunna use the Military to do it too. Yup, that's all the proof we need.
Oh, sorry. I'm now defeated and depressed. ):
Originally Posted by Pappy348
More of interest to me is whether she can eat an apple through a chainlink fence.

Corn on the cob through a screen door ,was my dad's go to.
Originally Posted by curdog4570
ANY Republican President would have been given the same list of names that Trump picked from and would very likely have made the same choices so he is due no points for that. I will admit, and have before, that he is to be commended for sticking with Kavanaugh when the going got rough.A couple or three on that stage might have deserted him.

If I was in the same boat as you, Hatari, etal, I’d be tempted to fast forward to the General Election where Hillary was the alternative just as y’all are doing. But I believe that I’d have to revisit the Primaries in my mind and admit that there were candidates on that stage who are genuinely committed to the 2A. Self deception ain’t my gig.

And I’m not delusional enough to take comfort by claiming only Trump could beat Hillary. He was the one who parroted that claim, along with saying he would put her in prison.

My progression was Carson - Cruz - Trump. Unfortunately, neither Carson nor Cruz could win the primaries, so revisit as much as you like, but if you can't win the primaries, you can't get in the general. The primaries may be a fun place to hang for mental masturbation and general fantasy, but the adults had to face reality in the general election. You didn't vote Perot again, did you?
Hatari, great post. Thanks for that.

Trump is doing great considering all the resistance he’s getting from the swamp, Dems and Rinos.

I think the AG nominee gives him a candidate that should slide thru the conformation process. That man’s gun philosophy isn’t the same as Trump’s. But Trump is President, AG is just the AG, serves at the pleasure of the President.

We have a LOT riding on Trump’s success.

Originally Posted by curdog4570
ANY Republican President would have been given the same list of names that Trump picked from and would very likely have made the same choices so he is due no points for that. I will admit, and have before, that he is to be commended for sticking with Kavanaugh when the going got rough.A couple or three on that stage might have deserted him.

If I was in the same boat as you, Hatari, etal, I’d be tempted to fast forward to the General Election where Hillary was the alternative just as y’all are doing. But I believe that I’d have to revisit the Primaries in my mind and admit that there were candidates on that stage who are genuinely committed to the 2A. Self deception ain’t my gig.

And I’m not delusional enough to take comfort by claiming only Trump could beat Hillary. He was the one who parroted that claim, along with saying he would put her in prison.

Used to be a big Cruz supporter until I found out he is a just another member of the swamp. Just another Bushy

America needed an outsider with a big set of ballz to call out all the the rinos ( Cruz) and reset its course. The only people that could do this were men like Trump a billionaire who could self fund his campaign and is not dependent of political contributions and whore money.

There is no way Cruz would have had the ballz to do what Trump does on a daily basis. Cruz is entrenched in the corrupt political system and not willing to risk his power. And Remember his wife would jeopardize her multimillion dollar yearly salary as an exec at Goldman Sachs ( part of the swamp) if Cruz spoke out against Globalist policies that are killing America.
Occurs to me that the #Neversatified crowd is where the Paulistas now gather to complain and criticize now that Ron retired. Seems to me he was out of Texas too.

In that light, the complaints look familiar.
Originally Posted by Pappy348
More of interest to me is whether she can eat an apple through a chainlink fence.

I say she can
Unfortunately ACO is probably the future of the Democrat party.
It’s apparent that some of you have some grandiose idea that by vilifying and slandering anyone who disagrees with you that you are somehow making the country safer or somehow transforming Donald Trump into something he has never been..... a real man.

I apologize for interfering in your safe space.

I won’t do it anymore.
I doubt he uses Gillette
She has been in Congress about a month and she is already a multimillionaire. Netflix paid her $10 million for a documentary.
Although she, AOC, is an idiot of the first order she is typical of the democrat/Marxist party today. Those loons truly believe that crap and believe it or not it sells to those that want something for nothing. And as usual we are happy to eat our own which supports them by proxy.
Originally Posted by JoeBob
She has been in Congress about a month and she is already a multimillionaire. Netflix paid her $10 million for a documentary.

And so they should, after all it is straight from the horse's mouth.
Originally Posted by 45_100
Unfortunately ACO is probably the future of the Democrat party.

She will change the Democrat party for sure, just a question of how .. and how that affects the rest of the country. She could potentially move the whole thing left more or less whole. That's a bad thing. She could fracture it, moving part much farther left, but leaving the rest more or less whole and opposed to her far left faction. That could potentially benefit everyone else. She could move a good portion of it left but disenfranchise more moderate democrats which MIGHT be republican "pick-ups" which could also prove a net win for the country.

Originally Posted by curdog4570
It’s apparent that some of you have some grandiose idea that by vilifying and slandering anyone who disagrees with you that you are somehow making the country safer or somehow transforming Donald Trump into something he has never been..... a real man.

I apologize for interfering in your safe space.

I won’t do it anymore.

It might come down to this:
1. The “single issue, 2A” can only be guaranteed by the scotus, not ANY presidential candidate. Period.
2. Whether Cruz or any other republican candidate would have put forth the same 2 for the scotus is only speculation, nothing more.
3. Barr doesn’t make laws.
4. No president has ever done more than Trump has in such a short period and done so alone.
Originally Posted by T_O_M
Originally Posted by 45_100
Unfortunately ACO is probably the future of the Democrat party.

She will change the Democrat party for sure, just a question of how .. and how that affects the rest of the country. She could potentially move the whole thing left more or less whole. That's a bad thing. She could fracture it, moving part much farther left, but leaving the rest more or less whole and opposed to her far left faction. That could potentially benefit everyone else. She could move a good portion of it left but disenfranchise more moderate democrats which MIGHT be republican "pick-ups" which could also prove a net win for the country.


ACO will move a lot of lefties further to the Left. Until her whole world crashes and burns around her head.
What she wants does not work and when some relearn that; they start trudging right back to the middle.
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by T_O_M
Originally Posted by 45_100
Unfortunately ACO is probably the future of the Democrat party.

She will change the Democrat party for sure, just a question of how .. and how that affects the rest of the country. She could potentially move the whole thing left more or less whole. That's a bad thing. She could fracture it, moving part much farther left, but leaving the rest more or less whole and opposed to her far left faction. That could potentially benefit everyone else. She could move a good portion of it left but disenfranchise more moderate democrats which MIGHT be republican "pick-ups" which could also prove a net win for the country.


ACO will move a lot of lefties further to the Left. Until her whole world crashes and burns around her head.
What she wants does not work and when some relearn that; they start trudging right back to the middle.

The “middle “ of what, Bows ? There is no middle of the democrat party. Their whole paradigm has continued to shift further and further to the left.

The “relearning “ part you mentioned comes waaay too late in the game. As in, it’s fuggin over at that point.
Originally Posted by curdog4570
It’s apparent that some of you have some grandiose idea that by vilifying and slandering anyone who disagrees with you that you are somehow making the country safer or somehow transforming Donald Trump into something he has never been..... a real man.

I apologize for interfering in your safe space.

I won’t do it anymore.

If it isn't clear to everyone by now that Curdog is a liberal pretending to be conservative you simply don't know how to spot liberals.
They can be sneaky deceptive bastids...... wink
Originally Posted by irfubar
Originally Posted by curdog4570
It’s apparent that some of you have some grandiose idea that by vilifying and slandering anyone who disagrees with you that you are somehow making the country safer or somehow transforming Donald Trump into something he has never been..... a real man.

I apologize for interfering in your safe space.

I won’t do it anymore.

If it isn't clear to everyone by now that Curdog is a liberal pretending to be conservative you simply don't know how to spot liberals.
They can be sneaky deceptive bastids...... wink

Putting differences aside, Curdog is no liberal by a long shot. He just likes Cruz and Hoss pirouge and that guy from Kentucky.
I remember the first time I called Curgog on his nonsense, a bunch of people came out of the woodwork defending him, praising his character etc....
I was told how wrong I was to even Question Gene. Well low and behold half the campfire has figured him out. He couldn't hide his true intentions for long, they never can, now he is off the leash and crazy as a loon.

Kinda reminds me of jeffO and Safariman, both campfire darlings until they weren't........
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by T_O_M
Originally Posted by 45_100
Unfortunately ACO is probably the future of the Democrat party.

She will change the Democrat party for sure, just a question of how .. and how that affects the rest of the country. She could potentially move the whole thing left more or less whole. That's a bad thing. She could fracture it, moving part much farther left, but leaving the rest more or less whole and opposed to her far left faction. That could potentially benefit everyone else. She could move a good portion of it left but disenfranchise more moderate democrats which MIGHT be republican "pick-ups" which could also prove a net win for the country.


ACO will move a lot of lefties further to the Left. Until her whole world crashes and burns around her head.
What she wants does not work and when some relearn that; they start trudging right back to the middle.

The problem is the left will take everyone down with them.
You can vote in socialism but you have to shoot your way out of it!
Originally Posted by irfubar
I remember the first time I called Curgog on his nonsense, a bunch of people came out of the woodwork defending him, praising his character etc....
I was told how wrong I was to even Question Gene. Well low and behold half the campfire has figured him out. He couldn't hide his true intentions for long, they never can, now he is off the leash and crazy as a loon.

Kinda reminds me of jeffO and Safariman, both campfire darlings until they weren't........

Your mmv
Originally Posted by irfubar
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by T_O_M
Originally Posted by 45_100
Unfortunately ACO is probably the future of the Democrat party.

She will change the Democrat party for sure, just a question of how .. and how that affects the rest of the country. She could potentially move the whole thing left more or less whole. That's a bad thing. She could fracture it, moving part much farther left, but leaving the rest more or less whole and opposed to her far left faction. That could potentially benefit everyone else. She could move a good portion of it left but disenfranchise more moderate democrats which MIGHT be republican "pick-ups" which could also prove a net win for the country.


ACO will move a lot of lefties further to the Left. Until her whole world crashes and burns around her head.
What she wants does not work and when some relearn that; they start trudging right back to the middle.

The problem is the left will take everyone down with them.
You can vote in socialism but you have to shoot your way out of it!

Like Trump said; no socialism in this country.
Nobody is voting in socialism. It is helping rebuild the Conservative base.
The "Dem Party" is already dead. They are dead to God and every thing he stands for. They are more interested infighting for the right to kill babies when ever a women wants to then fighting to keep the U.S. from turning into a third world country. They are more interested in taking God out of every thing then standing up for our churches and constitution. They are more interested in getting "minority" and illegal votes then in protecting the U.S. citizen.

So I doubt she can kill the Dems much deader, but she can darn sure kill off the America I love if her and those like her keep getting elected.
Goes along with my old post about sleeper cells.

Curdog certainly looks like the “more conservative than thou” troll.

“Yeah, I voted for Trump, but now I have some doubts.”

Anybody who calls him on it is blind to the facts or a dumb mind numbed robot while he is superior.


If he’s not a sleeper troll lib, then he’s definitely a negativist passive aggressive miserable sort. Problems wit authority figures, hypercritical if anyone in charge, quick to argue and confront, and nothing is his fault or responsibility. Someone/everyone else is at fault.

Take your pick.

Check out his “I won’t do it any more” snowflake condescending remark. So similar to Paddler’s farewell from a month ago when he promised to shove off. We could never be so fortunate. Both are like a bad rash.

Originally Posted by irfubar
I remember the first time I called Curgog on his nonsense, a bunch of people came out of the woodwork defending him, praising his character etc....
I was told how wrong I was to even Question Gene. Well low and behold half the campfire has figured him out. He couldn't hide his true intentions for long, they never can, now he is off the leash and crazy as a loon.

Kinda reminds me of jeffO and Safariman, both campfire darlings until they weren't........
seemingly a lot of closet demos have left the fire. lot's of replacements in various degrees of competence though.

i don't see high percentage of support of trumps policy is enough to be banished. a lot of folks voted for the trumpman because he was far superior to the alternative candidate. it really wasn't that thought he was so great, but that he certainly was the best choice under the circumstances. and he certainly is.

but, that doesn't stop the oxygen, and deny the room some opportunity for continuous debate as the days to the next election begin to draweth nigh. both parties have to begin to hone their pograms, their messages, and their candidates. what if there's a third candidancy and party? wouldn't it be better if they budded/emerged from the demo side of the ledger? serious stuff when billions get transferred to the news media/advertising/madison avenue group of strategists.

good heathy debate is good for the soul. purging the infidels was instituted in red china when the red guard took control. a lot of re-indoctrination was called for. i hear some even survived it to go on, and lead productive lives?
Originally Posted by irfubar
Originally Posted by curdog4570
It’s apparent that some of you have some grandiose idea that by vilifying and slandering anyone who disagrees with you that you are somehow making the country safer or somehow transforming Donald Trump into something he has never been..... a real man.

I apologize for interfering in your safe space.

I won’t do it anymore.

If it isn't clear to everyone by now that Curdog is a liberal pretending to be conservative you simply don't know how to spot liberals.
They can be sneaky deceptive bastids...... wink

Lately he's been taking someone else's prescription or doing a lot of drinking.
Originally Posted by 1Akshooter
The "Dem Party" is already dead. They are dead to God and every thing he stands for. They are more interested infighting for the right to kill babies when ever a women wants to then fighting to keep the U.S. from turning into a third world country. They are more interested in taking God out of every thing then standing up for our churches and constitution. They are more interested in getting "minority" and illegal votes then in protecting the U.S. citizen.

So I doubt she can kill the Dems much deader, but she can darn sure kill off the America I love if her and those like her keep getting elected.

No matter what we say or what she says, 50+% of voters will still vote democrat. They are alive, well and growing whether that’s admitted or not.

I’m not disagreeing with your quoted post, above.
if a third party emerges from the collective, we can hope it buds out from the left side of the aisle. that'd be beneficial for the rightists.

if it breaks out from the right, katy bar the door.

curdog is expressing his opinion.

we all do that.

yes, no?
Don't be so pessimistic. Just because they took the House in a max - effort off year election push doesn't mean they are strong and growing stronger. It only means they have had the money to spend. Hell, the Dems ran the show from 1932-94 almost without interruption in Congress. They were led by New Deal Dems and the Kennedys. I heard the same pessimism in the 60s and 70s how all was lost and low and then behold along came Reagan who ignited the movement that brought in Newt and GOP competition for the House and Senate.

Dems have their problems:
- aging leadership
- lack of young talent
- wildly radical new comers who are off the charts Left

They will have to convince the voters they aren't crazy, and more obstruction and more investigations of Trump, or wacky Green manifestos aren't going to help them. Rather it will expose them. Their radical nature will be on full display for the next 2 years. They will have to defend it.
Originally Posted by Gus
if a third party emerges from the collective, we can hope it buds out from the left side of the aisle. that'd be beneficial for the rightists.

if it breaks out from the right, katy bar the door.

curdog is expressing his opinion.

we all do that.

yes, no?

No, Curdog is trolling, constantly stirring the post. Gus, go look at his posts over the past few months. He now writes as if a 2A apocalypse has occurred, he writes as if Trump is the enemy of the State, and longs for an election do over. He is using the Dem play book. The Dems want an do over, because there was no way Hillary should have lost. Now this creature wants to retroactively run someone else in the 2016 election for the GOP instead of Trump because he fears for gun rights? How can you worry about Tump when you have Pelosi, Schumer, and Feinstein staring you in the face? This faker now has boiled down is dislike of Trump to a single issue, the 2A, and if you aren't on board with him, then you are blind and stupid.

Gus, this is not an exchange of ideas. Some of your "Earth is overpopulated and will doom mankind" posts are conversational, but even in your best 1960s "thew world is on the brink" posts have you ever been so incessant, defensive, contrary, and argumentative.

As far as a Third Party, I can dream of Howard Schultz or Bernie running Independent,but we could never be so lucky. Reverse Perot?
They have to pay her off quick if they want to try and control her.
Originally Posted by funshooter
They have to pay her off quick if they want to try and control her.

They just want her to start paying part of her own way. AOC loaded with $ ain’t a pretty picture.
Originally Posted by ribka
Originally Posted by curdog4570
ANY Republican President would have been given the same list of names that Trump picked from and would very likely have made the same choices so he is due no points for that. I will admit, and have before, that he is to be commended for sticking with Kavanaugh when the going got rough.A couple or three on that stage might have deserted him.

If I was in the same boat as you, Hatari, etal, I’d be tempted to fast forward to the General Election where Hillary was the alternative just as y’all are doing. But I believe that I’d have to revisit the Primaries in my mind and admit that there were candidates on that stage who are genuinely committed to the 2A. Self deception ain’t my gig.

And I’m not delusional enough to take comfort by claiming only Trump could beat Hillary. He was the one who parroted that claim, along with saying he would put her in prison.

Used to be a big Cruz supporter until I found out he is a just another member of the swamp. Just another Bushy

America needed an outsider with a big set of ballz to call out all the the rinos ( Cruz) and reset its course. The only people that could do this were men like Trump a billionaire who could self fund his campaign and is not dependent of political contributions and whore money.

There is no way Cruz would have had the ballz to do what Trump does on a daily basis. Cruz is entrenched in the corrupt political system and not willing to risk his power. And Remember his wife would jeopardize her multimillion dollar yearly salary as an exec at Goldman Sachs ( part of the swamp) if Cruz spoke out against Globalist policies that are killing America.

I started out as a Cruz supporter but agree with you. Trump was the best choice for a number of reasons.

I started out as a Cruz supporter but agree with you. Trump was the best choice for a number of reasons.

I too, was a Cruz supporter but once President Trump won the primaries, I was a Trump supporter. I do not agree with Him on everything and I would not have with Cruz, had He became President, but I am a Trump supporter until the next election. I figure I will support Him all the way but cannot say until I see Who is running. I do the same with the local Government and maybe support a person in the primaries, but go with the Republican in the Nov. election. I have in the past voted for a democrat in some instances, and may again, if a suitable one comes along. That is not likely given the current attitude among Democrats. miles
Originally Posted by Gus
if a third party emerges from the collective, we can hope it buds out from the left side of the aisle. that'd be beneficial for the rightists.

if it breaks out from the right, katy bar the door.

curdog is expressing his opinion.

we all do that.

yes, no?

Gus, it’s obvious that a few members have become so emotionally invested in Donald Trump that any criticism of him, factual though it may be, is taken it as as criticism of themselves and they respond accordingly. Realizing that is why I decided to stop criticizing him on this forum..... and that’s all I pledged. I’ve been here way too long to let a clique of relative newcomers cause me any discomfort.

I have to admit that it’s humorous to see myself analyzed in depth by someone with so little real information about me.His time would be better spent analyzing the only entity he has inside information about..... his own self.

As far as a third party run from the right, that would be awfully surprising to me. But given that Trump is such a polarizing figure, I think it is pretty much a given that he will face some Primary opposition.

The reliable Dem voters will tolerate a candidate that makes ANY claims that enable them to gather support from the fringes of the party. Defeating the Repub candidate is all that matters to them.They don’t need a platform.
Originally Posted by curdog4570
Originally Posted by Gus
if a third party emerges from the collective, we can hope it buds out from the left side of the aisle. that'd be beneficial for the rightists.

if it breaks out from the right, katy bar the door.

curdog is expressing his opinion.

we all do that.

yes, no?

Gus, it’s obvious that a few members have become so emotionally invested in Donald Trump that any criticism of him, factual though it may be, is taken it as as criticism of themselves and they respond accordingly. Realizing that is why I decided to stop criticizing him on this forum..... and that’s all I pledged. I’ve been here way too long to let a clique of relative newcomers cause me any discomfort.

I have to admit that it’s humorous to see myself analyzed in depth by someone with so little real information about me.His time would be better spent analyzing the only entity he has inside information about..... his own self.

As far as a third party run from the right, that would be awfully surprising to me. But given that Trump is such a polarizing figure, I think it is pretty much a given that he will face some Primary opposition.

The reliable Dem voters will tolerate a candidate that makes ANY claims that enable them to gather support from the fringes of the party. Defeating the Repub candidate is all that matters to them.They don’t need a platform.

I’d say a lot of Trump supporters aren’t so much emotionally invested as pragmatically invested for his actions, fighting the corruption of the system, the swamp and globalism.

I don’t agree with 100% of what he says and does, but he beats the heck out of who ever is number two. And, IMO, he’s headed in the right direction.

Being independently wealthy, beholding financially to no one doesn’t hurt. I think that’s one of the main reasons why so many entrenched interests hate him so much. He’s thumbing his nose at their sacred traditions and power base, their money sources.

Go Trump.

Originally Posted by Gus
if a third party emerges from the collective, we can hope it buds out from the left side of the aisle. that'd be beneficial for the rightists.

if it breaks out from the right, katy bar the door.

curdog is expressing his opinion.

we all do that.

yes, no?

There won't be anyone on the left launching a serious 3rd party campaign. The left won't allow that any longer. They will make a leftist 3rd party candidate's life misery.

That Starbucks guy stopped talking about doing so pretty quick.
I think that His being an outsider, and not a career politician is the biggest attraction. It also works against Him in being the President, on several levels. Then there is the constant search for something to impeach Him for, that is a constant drain on His quest to get things done. The Mueller witch hunt should be wrapped up at once, and anything found, if there is anything, presented to Congress. Then Mueller should be investigated. miles
if we are lucky she will sink there ship
I don't think she is smart enough to come up with this green deal on her own. She is a mouthpiece for the commies. She has been tutored , coached ,led and she id just all mouth. this is the commie party and they will ram it to us again and again. All oral crunt is just that.
Originally Posted by irfubar
I remember the first time I called Curgog on his nonsense, a bunch of people came out of the woodwork defending him, praising his character etc....
I was told how wrong I was to even Question Gene. Well low and behold half the campfire has figured him out. He couldn't hide his true intentions for long, they never can, now he is off the leash and crazy as a loon.

Kinda reminds me of jeffO and Safariman, both campfire darlings until they weren't........

Same exact thing happened to me too. It was the 68 and older crowd that jumped on the Curdog bandwagon so I got a good laugh at their collective indignant septuagenarian outrage but I didn’t doubt that I was correct in my analysis. Many of those same people are noticeably silent now that they realize they were wrong with their premature outrage. I don’t follow the campfire crowd and their oohhh and aahhhing worship of someone based upon their post count while ignoring the “substance” of their messages. I’ve been around the block a few times and I trust my own instincts over that of the group think mentality, which as you pointed out ifubar is strong here. I can respect the person and disagree with the message just as I can dislike the person and agree with the message, however it’s also possible to dislike the person and their message. I am incredulous at how the groupies will give a pass to someone that intentionally voted for Hilary by voting against Trump and then try to convince us that they aren’t a liberal.....just because. 🙄. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and votes like a duck it’s likely a duck. 😉.
She is their monthly "Good Idea" fairy princess.
Her election speaks volumes about the welfare as way life/ entitlement way of life voters in this nation.
LBJ,s great society programs are here to stay and being planned and expanded as much as they can get away with.
It is socialism for half the nation espically for those in cities and their huge populations around them.
All ya gotta do as a Liberal Socialist Democrat is promote free schitt and you got voters for life.
Vast majority of their voters have never contributed jack schitt to the nation.
They are a burden as a whole.

Its all for votes at tax paying citizens expense.....
I’m only as important as you make me...on the internet.

And, this may shock you, this forum is “just the innanet “.
My disappointment with Trump is that he's blowing it.

As I've mentioned before, if he would just play his cards,..regardless of the outcome, he would keep his base intact. Allowing the Communists to force him to compromise on the illegal immigration issue will cost him. If he loses in 2020, the Communists will waste no time in totally swamping the country with illegals and giving them voting rights.

That'll be the end of it.
Originally Posted by Bristoe
If he loses in 2020, the Communists will waste no time in totally swamping the country with illegals and giving them voting rights.

That'll be the end of it.

Sadly, I think we’re already there. . .
Originally Posted by Dirtfarmer
Originally Posted by curdog4570
Originally Posted by Gus
if a third party emerges from the collective, we can hope it buds out from the left side of the aisle. that'd be beneficial for the rightists.

if it breaks out from the right, katy bar the door.

curdog is expressing his opinion.

we all do that.

yes, no?

Gus, it’s obvious that a few members have become so emotionally invested in Donald Trump that any criticism of him, factual though it may be, is taken it as as criticism of themselves and they respond accordingly. Realizing that is why I decided to stop criticizing him on this forum..... and that’s all I pledged. I’ve been here way too long to let a clique of relative newcomers cause me any discomfort.

I have to admit that it’s humorous to see myself analyzed in depth by someone with so little real information about me.His time would be better spent analyzing the only entity he has inside information about..... his own self.

As far as a third party run from the right, that would be awfully surprising to me. But given that Trump is such a polarizing figure, I think it is pretty much a given that he will face some Primary opposition.

The reliable Dem voters will tolerate a candidate that makes ANY claims that enable them to gather support from the fringes of the party. Defeating the Repub candidate is all that matters to them.They don’t need a platform.

I’d say a lot of Trump supporters aren’t so much emotionally invested as pragmatically invested for his actions, fighting the corruption of the system, the swamp and globalism.

I don’t agree with 100% of what he says and does, but he beats the heck out of who ever is number two. And, IMO, he’s headed in the right direction.

Being independently wealthy, beholding financially to no one doesn’t hurt. I think that’s one of the main reasons why so many entrenched interests hate him so much. He’s thumbing his nose at their sacred traditions and power base, their money sources.

Go Trump.


Well said Dirtfarmer^^^^^^

Curdog certainly has adopted leftist tactics such as "projecting"

One of the things the left simply cant understand about conservatives is that we do think for ourselves, we listen to people like Rush because he says what we are thinking.
The left do not think for themselves therefore are vulnerable to indoctrination by leftist.
Curdog is simply playing into their hand and accusing us of being cult followers. He would do good to look in the mirror and do a little self evaluation....

Numerous campfire members have tried to explain to Curdog in several different ways why we stand behind Trump, like a leftist he refuses to listen or consider our opinions.
So maybe unwittingly he has become a tool for the left. The left loves it when a so called conservative joins their side and helps promote their propaganda.

His assertions are insulting .........
One more scotus appointment is the prize and possibly another with Breyer.

Will also be interesting to see what Trump’s actions will be should anti-gun legislation ever reach his desk.
it depends on what is meant by 'death'...
I sort of thought that when I quit talking about Trump, y’all would quit talking about me.

I reckon not.

No big deal to me.
Originally Posted by curdog4570
I sort of thought that when I quit talking about Trump, y’all would quit talking about me.

I reckon not.

No big deal to me.

I ain’t gonna worry about you until you start agreeing with everyone.
Originally Posted by curdog4570
I’m only as important as you make me...on the internet.

And, this may shock you, this forum is “just the innanet “.

Agreed and you might not believe this but I think aside from politics we’d get along. I don’t harbor any ill will towards you and wish you all the health and happiness you deserve.

I find myself in agreement with you regarding many things, Trump and politics not included. We might have to agree to disagree but I certainly will continue to read your posts and agree or disagree as the situation calls for.
If we agreed on EVERYTHING ....one of us would be extra.

And..... if a man still believes - at 77 Y O - the same way he believed at 47 YO , he is either stupid or hasn’t noticed the changes that have taken place during that time.

Ecclesiastes makes sense to an old man but is more useful for a young man. There truly is “ nothing new under the sun “.
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