Originally Posted by SamSteele
Okay, being new to fly reels what should I look for to pair up with the rod? Any brands that are good quality without breaking the bank? I know Orvis and Sage are top end but I'm not ready to commit that far yet.

Something like Cabelas Wind River this in a #2 size will be just fine for a 5 weight rod.

Originally Posted by SamSteele
I have an 11 year old son and 9 year old daughter so I'm thinking I will give them the Mitchell rods to learn on unless that would be a mistake? .

There is nothing wrong with Mitchell rods, in fact I learned on them years ago, but the ones you have are a 7/8 weight and you can certainly learn on them just fine but make sure they are paired with the reel you have with the right line. Fly lines come with a little sticker that I often put on the back of the spool so you may have to take the spool of the reel to see them. They will have codes like WF-7-F on them. In that case it indicates a Weight Forward 7 weight line. You want to pair that with a 7 weight rod.

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