Hi all,

I was recently given a bunch of fly rods and reels by a friend of my mothers whose husband passed away. She knows that I love fishing and had no use for the stuff, so I ended up with it. My problem is, I don't know anything about fly fishing. I would love to get into it, but I don't know anyone that does either.

The first question I have is, what do I have here? I know the basics around fly rod weights, however I don't know if this equipment is decent or bottom of the barrel. I was hoping you all could help me with it.

First set up is a TFO Signature Series 5 wt, 9' 2 piece rod with a Marado Basis-F G67 reel on it.

Second set up is a Mitchell Performance 6-7 wt, 8'6", 2 piece rod (plastic still on cork) with a Shakespeare 1094 reel. The reel is all metal, not graphite.

Third set up is the exact same rod as #2, but the plastic is off the cork. Looks like it wasn't used. The reel is a Shakespeare 1695 Graphite.

Fourth set up is a Martin Classic 7-8 wt, 8'6", 2 piece rod with a Martin Classic MC78 reel.

My gut is telling me that the TFO is likely the best rod out of the bunch, both in versatility and quality, but I don't really know. I really have no clue on the reels. Shakespeare and Martin aren't high end in the spinning world that I am used to. Don't know about Marado.

Is there anything here of good quality that I could use to start fly fishing? I appreciate any help you all can provide. Thanks.


"To be glad of life because it gives you a chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars. To be satisfied with your possessions but not content with yourself until you have made the best of them."
-Henry Van Dyke