I really do not post very much normally. But here's a subject that has really stirred up the controversy. I probably will have as many questions as comments.

This morning, Friday June 19 there will be an "ivory crushing" in New York City.


The news said one elephant is poached and killed every 15 minutes. That's 35,000 a year.

Elsewhere, on June 15th Qatar Airlines announced that it will no longer transport any game, game parts, trophy's, antler, horns, guns, ammunition, not even a hunting knife. I phoned their cargo department and it is true.

Emirates Airlines has also initiated a ban but theirs seems to be more confusing and animal specific. Only certain are banned - elephants, lions, leopards, rhinos.


I'm having some doubts any more as to who the good guys and the bad Guys are.

The African countries have failed miserably to stop the poaching. When we look back in history the wooly mammoths and mastodon's are extinct.

Are our elephants on the same course ? What's the answer ? Over the last 50 yeas some game species have declined 30%, 50%, 90%.

It seems that increasingly game animals are being farmed, both in Africa and the USA. Farms are proliferating rapidly. Is that the wave of the future ?

We pulled the bison and wild turkeys back from the brink. And some states are reintroducing species like elk in states that haven't seen any for many decades.

In China the penalty for killing a Panda is death. What has to be done to stop the hemorrhaging before more species disappear ?