Originally Posted by Jcubed
Originally Posted by JoeBob
If you want an idea of small town southern life, I recommend two movies: "Bernie" and "Slingblade".

The main character in Bernie and John Ritter's character in Slingblade are typical of small southern towns. I swear every single small southern town had a least one homosexual who was the pillar of the community and beloved by all. Everyone knew that he was "funny" but they didn't care. He was involved in civic activities, helped out with the old widows and the like, and was just an all around nice guy. By the same token, he was respectful and didn't flaunt his sexuality in the faces of the old Baptist ladies down at the quilting club either.

Slingblade is good too because it shows the openness of the small southern town. Just released from the state nervous hospital? Here, I'll give you a job and place to stay.

So, if I might ask, how does that mesh with you not being able to stand a "yankee?"

That world no longer exists because our Yankee overlords have decreed it.