Originally Posted by whambasted
some real [bleep] out there..... some just don't understand that running a business that actually produces real good stuff takes time and life gets in the way sometimes... kneejerk reactions are not very mature and neither is acting like a brat when you don't get your way. refund is coming dickface....

for those that are patiently waitng for their stuff... i am catching up.... 2 weeks in a burn center and various other life struggles have cut into my production but i am not and never will throw in the towel. i enjoy what i do and it takes time. i only have 2 hands and 1 brain


So I'm the ass hole, brat and dickface...

We made an agreement, you set your price and you agreed on a delivery date...I immediately sent payment in full... You couldn't deliver your product, I had to purchase elsewhere, and now you're dicking me around on a refund... You're lost in your own grand delusion of how great you think you are...

You reference "Mature" like you have a clue of what it means... Someone who is Mature stands by their word... Doesn't let their alligator mouth overload their hummingbird ass... Doesn't make commitments which they can not meet... Doesn't make excuses for their lack of integrity...

You have a ton of excuses why you can not deliver but not one solution... So you're intelligent enough to start yourself on fire... How is that my problem... What does that have to do with not delivering my product by June 1st or refunding my money... You were posting of your idiocy in early January... If you knew then you were unable to do the work or deliver on time why take the work on... Your life struggles are of no concern to me either... You are the only one to blame for those struggles as you have created the life you lead...

Here's an idea... it may be a struggle but really try and step up to the plate... After all you have God in your corner now...

Get up from behind that manly sewing machine... Run your fat, lazy, worthless, drunk cünt down to the Post Office, as fast as possible with those char broiled chicken legs of yours, and send me my fückin' refund...

Next time you decided to start yourself on fire, do the world some justice, lock up all the fire extinguishers and hide the blankets before you scream "Flame On"....