Life's a beach........

I watched the astronauts walk on the moon while at the beach in Galveston Texas in 1969. My whole extended family spends a week in July there each year. I used to fish a lot, but these days, not so much. I got the filet a while back and Rocky sent me a skinner and the the jigged dumplin' last week. I haven't been to my lease lately, and am sufferin' from SDD (Skinning Deficit Disorder). Since I didn't figure on porkers at the beach, I left the Ram's horn skinner at home. I did bring these two.

So when my son caught a some fish, I figured what the hey, not hoglets, but better n' nuthin...........

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Its a pleasure to filet with a sharp knife. The dumplin' is shaving sharp, and the filet is no slouch. Like the proverbial "knife through butter". AEB-L and jigged g-10.

Good stuff Rocky!



A Kill Artist. When I draw, I draw blood.