Originally Posted by southern_hunter
Thanks again to everyone for the replies. My friends are now in Stettler and hopefully settling in.

We are zeroing in on some dates: October 10-18. My main concern is if that will be too late. Will it be too cold by then? I know that no one can predict the weather, but if y'all tell me that everything is frozen over and the ducks are gone by mid-October then I will try to move things up a bit.

Other random thought: right now we are planning on bringing our own decoys. Is that something we should continue planning on doing, or is there a chance we could get/rent/hire/borrow some up there? Just a thought.

As you know the weather is hard to predict, your dates should be ok, but some years things are freezing up or frozen by then. I am sure Albertans will be willing to keep you in the loop. This year has been rather dry so smaller potholes me be very dry by then.

Decoys could be purchased but as for renting, that may be challenge but area outfitters may be willing to do that. If you're pursuing geese bring your own blinds and decoys, they are considerably more expensive up here and the dollar difference may not make it worth while. If you're hunting potholes a half dozen or so mallard decoys and some 2 litre pop bottles spray painted brown will work for puddlers and for divers.