There is no finer trout lure than a #2 Mepps in gold...period. It takes some time to learn the feel of how it should be fished, but when you do it is deadly. The smaller versions work but don't spin as well in my opinion. Learning how to present it is the thing that takes practice. Cast a little up stream and let it sink a bit (depending on water depth and current), then take up slack and give a sharp little tug to get the blades spinning. Keep the line in contact with the lure as it drifts, you may have to reel slightly to do that. You will feel the spinner vibrate as it drifts, this is where you learn the "feel" of the lure- not too fast, not too slow.

You want to have the lure slide through "good" water as it arcs downstream (i.e.- behind boulders and other good trout holding water. Presentation is as, or more, important than the lure.