Originally Posted by Bluedreaux
Some people (Me) think shooting a three pound revolver at 400 yards would not only be stupid, but incredibly boring.

Shooting at seven yards has far more relevance to me and is much more interesting to push my abilities in a way other than long range shooting.

Not that any of that will make any difference to you, BFR. Because you're insane. But I thought I'd mention it anyway.

A little off subject, but I hope that shooting handguns at long range is not the definition of insanity.

If so, then there are a bunch of us on this board. One of the most enjoyable shooting days I have experienced was with RJM busting badger mounds at 500 yds and beyond with our 41 mag revolvers.

An N Frame Smith can do surprising things. And even a novice pistolero could put any man in mortal fear at several hundred yards with a short bit of practice.

As for practical applications........I have a hard time imagining the need (for me)to ever shoot at anything less than fifty yards away.

Could be a matter of longitude.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.