Originally Posted by RockyRaab
Have God explain that to New Orleans, willya? And then to the Thai folks after the tsunami. And the Japanese after theirs. And...
New Orleans is built below sea level. If you're stupid enough to do that, expect a good flood every so often.
Tsunamis are the result of undersea earthquakes. We're prone to quakes everywhere on earth. If you fear quakes on land, don't live near faults. If you fear quakes under water, don't live near the coast. They're not related to rising seas. If you drive down the Oregon coast, there are hundreds of houses and whole towns built on cliffs above the water. Even a gentle quake will put them all below sea level.

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.