
Perhaps you'll set THE benchmark and be the FIRST Clueless Kchunt to have Bitched herself happy? My fingers are cross for you and your "hard charging" ways.

That was REALLY compelling Testimony you submitted,about the piece of fhuqking schit BSA,in the piece of schit chambering and it's piece of fhuqking schit stock. How long do you figure folks will have to wait,until you actually shoot it and weigh back in with your cuttin' edge findings? Laffin'!

Now maybe say something about the piece of schit glass,the piece of schit base and the piece of schit rings you are sporting on that Goat Fhuqk,then quip some ammo "particulars" it WILL be fhuqking funny. Show NO "mercy". Laffin'!

Bless your heart.

Great time for you to shut the fhuqk up,take notes and apply same. Someone who "knows" as "much" as you,is always going to be best served by asking questions,instead of giving "answers". Re-hint.

Don't let the cat get your tongue,nor the couch get your kchunt,as you flaunt more of your Imagination and it's "fulfilling" Pretend.

Just sayin'.
