My experience with dumping a 10 round magazine and not hitting a thing was due to (1) the first rattlesnake I had encountered in the Desert near Octillo/Borrego Springs near San Diego CA. (2) the instant recognition that I had probably missed stepping on many others running around the area.
The snake was flush with the sand coiled in a near perfect very tight circle, it's head in the center of the coil and the speckles and coloration being and unbelievable match with the sand. It was the realization of both these facts that made me leap into the air claw for some space start yanking the trigger on the old High Standard model B without hitting anything but sand.
I had many previous and have had quite a few post encounters with Rattlesnakes but this one to this day gives me pause to think about how many I had to have been close to.

If your a leftist, whatever Donald Trump says or does, that pisses you off rest assured, I am a Happy Camper!